The goal is to have a clear understanding of the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) Administrative procedures process for tracking disciplinary cases.


When an investigation has been completed and the decision has been made to impose discipline, it is the responsibility of the subject’s unit to provide timely notification to the IAB of that decision.

Units will return the case and disposition to the IAB where it will be logged in and sent to Advocacy.  Advocacy will review the disposition to ensure the correct language and charges were included in the disposition and assist in the creation of the Letter of Intent. 

Advocacy will contact IAB support staff to have the Letter of Intent drafted.

The Letter of Intent will be prepared by IAB support staff responsible for the subject’s specific case assignment Alpha.  They will contact the Unit and coordinate the date the subject will be served their Letter of Intent.  

Currently, the case assignment Alpha is broken down as follows:

A - H

I - P

Q - Z

The Letter of Intent will be prepared by IAB support staff and sent to the Unit (except in a discharge case, which is signed by the IAB Captain), via e-mail, to be placed on Department letterhead, signed by the Unit Commander, and presented to the subject.

Once the disposition of a case is received with the intended discipline, the information will be added to the Discipline Tracker by the IAB support staff. (The tracker is to ensure the discipline process is followed through to imposition). 

Once the Letter of Intent is served, it is Employee Relations’ responsibility to advise IAB personnel if the subject has filed a grievance regarding the intended disciplinary action within 10 days.

If the subject does not file a grievance against the intended disciplinary action, Employee Relations will notify IAB support staff, in order for the Letter of Imposition to be prepared.

If the subject files a grievance against the intended disciplinary action, Employee Relations will notify IAB of the grievance, or if a Pre-Disposition Settlement Agreement has been agreed to by all parties.  At that point, the Discipline Tracker and Performance Recording and Monitoring System will be updated with the current information.

If the case is a discharge case and was heard at Case Review, a Skelly hearing is scheduled by the IAB support staff.  The support staff will follow up with the Division involved, the day after the Skelly hearing.

Once the grievance or Skelly hearing has concluded and a decision rendered, whether granted or denied, Employee Relations or the Division involved, will advise IAB support staff, via e-mail, of the final outcome.  IAB support staff will be responsible for typing the Letter of Imposition.

The Discipline tracker will be monitored by the IAB support staff supervisor to ensure the timely imposition of the intended discipline.

The IAB Lieutenant responsible for the secretariat will periodically audit the tracker for accuracy.