Internal Affairs Bureau administers a fund of $2,000 for investigative purposes from a special appropriation fund that is maintained by Administrative Services.  The procedures governing this fund are outlined in the Manual of Policy and Procedures, Section 3-05/050.00, “Special Appropriation Fund,” a copy of which is attached.

Monies may by drawn from this fund for extraordinary investigative expenses as outlined in the aforementioned section of the Departmental manual.  These money draws must be approved in advance by the investigator’s team lieutenant and then the Operations Lieutenant.  The fund will be maintained by the Operations Lieutenant.  The Operations Lieutenant will ensure that the fund is maintained according to the dictates of the Departmental manual.  Additionally, he will see that the following additional procedures are followed:

  1. Monies are maintained in the Bureau safe, or other secure location as designated by the Bureau Commander.
  2. Monies are accounted for on an appropriate ledger.
  3. Disbursed monies are appropriately accounted for on a SHCR175 form (“blue slip”).  If the monies are to be disbursed to a paid informant, the informant’s signature must also be affixed to the SHCR175 form at the time of disbursement.
  4. Compilation of the appropriate memoranda for the Bureau Commander’s signature in order to replenish the fund on a regular basis as necessary.