To establish procedures concerning the assignment, storage, and responsibilities associated with the care and distribution of portable radios.
The distribution of the Department issued portable radios will enable sworn personnel at Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) to have instant access to emergency communications and assets, if the need arises.
This unit order is in addition to communications policies and regulations outlined in the Manual of Policy & Procedures.
All sworn personnel assigned to IAB will be assigned a portable radio, as needed.
The IAB Law Enforcement Technician (LET) will have the collateral duty to oversee the issuance and deployment of all portable radios. The designated radio control person will maintain the radio inventory system, specifying the make, model number, serial number, and personnel assignments for each portable radio assigned to the Bureau. Any portable radio not specifically assigned to an individual shall be safely stored in a locked and secured equipment cabinet inside the LET’s office.
All sworn personnel assigned to IAB will be required to store their assigned radio in a secure location, e.g., desk or overhead cabinet, in the “off” position. Radios shall not be left unattended in the interior of vehicles. If a radio must be left in a vehicle, it shall be locked in the trunk.
It is the responsibility of each individual assigned a portable radio to have his/her assigned radio with them during their working hours and during their rollout scheduling period.
Portable radios cost the Department approximately $1,000. All personnel assigned a portable radio shall exercise reasonable and prudent precautions to prevent the loss or theft of their portable radio.
Lost or stolen radios pose a potential officer safety and homeland security risk. In the event of the loss or theft of any Department radio, the concerned person shall immediately (upon realization) report the loss in compliance with Manual of Policy and Procedures section, 3-07/010.40.
The Unit Commander has the authority to revoke radio assignment privileges due to negligence by an assigned employee.
During an extended leave, radios shall be collected by the affected person’s immediate supervisor and returned to the LET. Long term injuries/illness, including absences or vacations exceeding 30 calendar days, are cause to return a radio to the Bureau.
Sheriff’s Communication Center can provide periodic in-service training upon request. Appropriate documentation of such training shall be maintained by the training staff using an APIS roster.
For additional information, refer to the attached policies pertaining to possession and care of portable radios.
Radio frequencies (channels) and the licenses to operate radio equipment are issued to Los Angeles County for this Department by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). All communications equipment and its use must conform to Department and FCC regulations including:
A member shall be responsible for the care, maintenance and serviceable condition of any County property, fixed or movable, issued or assigned to him or otherwise in his care. Loss of, damage to or unserviceable condition of such property shall be reported to his Unit Commander.
Reasonable and prudent precaution shall be taken to prevent the loss or theft of County property. Exceptional care shall be exercised to prevent the loss or theft of security items such as evidence, weapons, radios, vests or tasers.
Loss or preventable theft of County property when the circumstances indicate that a greater degree of caution should have been taken to prevent such loss or theft, willful or negligent abuse, misuse, damage or destruction, shall be grounds for disciplinary action.
A parked vehicle left unattended on the street or in a driveway is particularly vulnerable to theft or burglary. Therefore, personnel shall assure that any County vehicle or any personally owned vehicle which contains County equipment is parked in a safe location and that any firearm, portable radio, evidence, confidential documents or high value County property are secured in the vehicle’s trunk, in a rack or a locked container (when available). All weapons shall be removed from any vehicle parked overnight outside of a secure garage. Absent exigent circumstances, any improperly secured equipment stolen from such an unattended vehicle shall be labeled a negligent loss. Consequently, the employee entrusted with the equipment shall, after consideration of all facts and circumstances, be subject to appropriate Department discipline, refer to section 3-03/060.00.