Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Unit Order: 610-07
Effective Date: 02-20-02
Revision Date: 10-01-13
Annual Review: 10-01-17
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the acquisition of material and supplies, and install appropriate accountability measures.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Sheriff’s Department’s Metrolink Bureau utilizing Department funds.
All Sheriff’s Metrolink Bureau employees needing supplies shall submit their request to the Sheriff’s Metrolink Bureau Operations Lieutenant/Sergeant and Operations Assistant II via e‑mail, with a “cc:” to their supervisor, detailing the specific item(s) and their purpose (example: “replacement batteries needed for 6 Taser guns”). For requests other than basic office or work supplies, the employee will also need to provide detailed information regarding the make, model, vendor (name, address, telephone number and contact person) and cost of the item(s). The Operations Lieutenant/Sergeant or Operations Assistant II will advise the employee whether their request has been approved.
The employee supply request, when approved, will be forwarded to the Requestor (OA I).
The requestor shall:
- Complete the Department Requisition Form (DRF). (See Fiscal Notice #89 for complete DRF procedure.)
- Determine the appropriate document type based on item, cost, and commodity (DO, PD, RQN, POTR).
- Provide required codes: Unit, Object, Activity, Budget FY, Commodity codes, etc.
- Obtain applicable approval(s). (DSB, CFMB, FPB, Budget Services, Grants Accounting, Special Funds)
- Obtain applicable quotation(s) from registered vendors.
- Ensure Requestor and Unit Commander/Designee lines of DRF are signed before submitting to Buyer.
- For Grant Funds, send a hard copy of completed DRF to your Divisional Budget Representative (Budget Rep) to send to the Grants Accounting Unit for approval. Grants Accounting will scan the approved document and send it to both the Budget Rep and the Unit.
- For Special Funds, send a hard copy of the completed DRF to Special Funds Accounting for approval. Special Funds Accounting will scan the approved document and send it to the Budget Representative or the unit.
- Electronically submit the DRF including any applicable supporting documentation to the Buyer.
- Maintain original signed DRF for five (5) years for audit purposes.
NOTE: Watch for special instructions/requirements from Fiscal or Budget Services that may vary from time to time. Instructions are sent via Fiscal Notices or notifications to Division Budget Representatives.
The Buyer shall:
- Ensure that the DRF is completed accurately.
- Ensure the appropriate document type is used. (DO, PD, POTR). *
- For RQN transactions, attach (scan) electronically any supporting documentation required by ISD Buyer (T-Specs, Statement of Work, Sole Source Justification Letter) in Word or Excel format.
- Ensure required codes are in place: Unit, Object, Activity, Budget FY, Commodity codes, etc.
- Ensure applicable approvals are obtained. (DSB, CFMB, FPB, Budget Services, Grants Accounting, Special Funds)
- Ensure Requestor and Unit Commander/Designee lines of DRF are signed before entering in eCAPS
- Enter in eCAPS (copy and paste from Excel file) all information from the DRF and wait for final approval.
- Enter the Unit Code and Object Code, and all other pertinent information on the last commodity line of the Extended Description field.
- Make a copy of the PO and have signature page signed by the Unit Commander/Designee.
- Send complete copy of PO to vendor (including the Standard Terms & Conditions). If sent electronically, signed copy page needs to be sent (scanned, faxed, mailed) to vendor separately.
- Provide the unit’s copy of the PO to the receiver.
- Requestor/Buyer may enter order directly into eCAPS and use as a DRAFT attachment with the DRF. DRF description must indicate the attached draft and other supporting documentation. DRF needs to be signed before approving the draft in eCAPS.
- Maintain original signed PO and supporting documentation for five (5) years for audit purposes. (No need to send copy to Fiscal)
- Receive original invoice from vendor and ensure that it matches the PO.
- Perform PO modification as necessary
- Coordinate the 2-way match process with the receiver, write the RC# on invoice, and forward
documents to Accounts Payable for payment.
- Retain a copy of invoice, adding it to the PO file.
- Verify completeness and accuracy of all transactions.
- Ensure that orders are placed in compliance with all purchasing policies and departmental procedures.
- Verify availability of funds through BQ97. (See complete instructions in the Fiscal Administration website)
- “Reject All” any erroneous orders and return to the Buyer for modification.
- Sign and date final PO on the required page and return to the Buyer.
- Verify goods delivered or services performed against the PO.
- To confirm receipt of goods, stamp and complete the receiving document “Packing Slip” with the standard receiving stamp.
- To confirm receipt of service, stamp and complete the vendor Service Slip. If unavailable, complete the departmental “Service Receipt” form (available in Public Folders). See Fiscal Notice #88
- Enter in eCAPS all required receiving information.
- Enter Packing Slip #, location, and service period in comments
- For Grants only – Notify Grants Accounting after entering receiving information.
- Maintain original receiving document for five (5) years for audit purposes. (No need to send copy to Fiscal)
IMPORTANT: The Order Entry, Order Approval (eCAPS), and Authorization to Pay (“Okay to Pay”) lines on the tracking form, must by completed by three separate individuals.