761551 N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)



    "A Tradition of Service"


DATE: April 6, 2006


FROM:           TODD S. ROGERS, CAPTAIN                      TO:   ALL PERSONNEL

  CARSON STATION                                               CARSON STATION



                      PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE HANDLING (Revised 04-06-06)


Purpose of Directive:

The purpose of this directive is to re-enforce current departmental polices and procedures regarding evidence handling and storage procedures. It is also the purpose of this directive to establish new, station-specific procedures regarding evidence ledger accountability and evidence computer entry responsibilities.

Scope of Directive:

All station personnel who handle prisoner's personal property and/or evidence as well as supervisors who verify the contents of the Master Property and Evidence Ledger and the Master Safe Ledger are affected by this policy and are accountable for its contents.


Deputies Responsibilities

Effective immediately, deputy personnel who retain property and evidence shall adhere to the policies set forth in the Manual of Policy and Procedures regarding evidence handling. Each deputy should bear in mind that the Master Property and Evidence Ledger and the Master Safe Ledger shall reflect the most accurate description of the property or evidence retained. Upon making an evidence ledger entry, personnel are required to make the evidence computer entry.

Furthermore, it is incumbent upon personnel to immediately correct errors which are brought to their attention by either the Property and Evidence Custodian, the Detective Bureau Sergeant overseeing the property and evidence or any other supervisor who makes them aware of the errors.

If the property and/or evidence cannot be entered into the evidence tracking computer system because it is not working, deputy personnel shall bring this information to the attention of the Watch Sergeant as soon as possible.

Sergeants Responsibilities


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 02-02 (Revised)                                                                       April 6, 2006





Effective immediately, it shall be the Watch Sergeant's responsibility to ensure that all policies regarding proper evidence handling and documentation procedures are followed. It shall also be the Watch Sergeant's responsibility to personally ensure that the evidence item(s) are placed in the interim storage area and are properly entered into the property and evidence tracking computer system and if applicable, into JDIC. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the Watch Sergeant to ensure full compliance with departmental policies regarding proper documentation of property and evidence within the Master Property and Evidence Ledger. Lastly, the Watch Sergeant should personally ensure that the property and evidence computer is working properly. If it is found to be inoperative, the Watch Sergeant shall ensure that the Property and Evidence Custodian and/or the Detective Bureau Lieutenant are notified in a timely manner.

Watch Commander Responsibilities

Effective immediately, it shall be each shift Watch Commander's responsibility to inspect the Master Property and Evidence Ledger and the Master Safe Ledger on a daily basis. Each Watch Commander shall review the entries made during their respective shifts for correctiveness. If errors are identified, the Watch Commander shall ensure that prompt corrective action is taken. Additionally, it is the Watch Commander's responsibility, upon completion of the ledger inspection, to indicate in the Watch Commander's Summary that the evidence ledger inspections took place.

Additional Information

A white binder has been prepared which has the most recent policies and procedures as they pertain to property and evidence handling. The folder is to be kept adjacent to the Master Property and Evidence Ledger. The folder should be used in the event that you have questions regarding the manner in which evidence is being retained, documented or otherwise handled.

In addition to the white binder, two templates have been created on fluorescent paper and each has been laminated with plastic. The smaller template shall be kept in each of the two ledgers and shall be used as book markers for each ledger. Each template contains examples of proper evidence entries which should assist personnel when making ledger entries. Personnel are cautioned not to use prior entries as examples when they are unsure of how to make a ledger entry. History has shown that this practice only perpetuates the problems we have been experiencing. Personnel should contact a supervisor for advice or refer to the white binder.

Personnel are reminded that Property and Evidence handling Procedures can be found in Volume 5, Chapter 4 of the Manual of Policies and Procedures and in fields operations directive 98-6 (* Narcotic Evidence Booking Procedures), Field Operations Directive 91-11 (Procedural Guidelines for handling Syringes and Needles in a Safe Evidentiary Manner In


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 02-02 (Revised)                                                                  April 6, 2006





the field) and in News Letter # 30 (Property/Evidence Labels).