761551 N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)



"A Tradition of Service"


DATE: June 24, 2006


FROM:         TODD S. ROGERS, CAPTAIN                                 TO: ALL PERSONNEL

        CARSON STATION                                                        CARSON STATION


                   UNIFORM FORCE PACKAGES (REVISED 06-24-06)


Purpose of Directive:

To promote consistency of force packages submitted for executive review.

Scope of Directive:

This directive applies to all personnel assigned to Carson Station.


Manual of Policy and Procedures § 5-09/430.00, Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures, delineates Department policy regarding the preparation of force documentation for executive review. The following guidelines shall be in addition to Department policy in an attempt to promote greater consistency among force packages submitted at Carson Station.

I.     Supervisory memoranda shall be directed to the Commander of Carson Station. In cases of

        significant force, the handling watch commander shall indicate via memorandum or stamp that

        he/she concurs with the contents of supervisory reviews conducted by sergeants.

II.     The face page portion (page one) of each force review shall minimally include the following information:

Date of Incident

Time of Incident

Location of Occurrence

Deputy(ies) involved (including employee numbers)

Suspects Involved (including booking number, address, telephone number, gender, race, and date of


Witnesses (including address, telephone number, gender, race, and date of birth)

Injury(ies) sustained by any parties


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVES 02-01 (Revised)                                                        July 24, 2006





  1. The body fo each force review shall minimally include a summary of the incident, a comprehensive investigation (including involved party statements), a conclusion regarding the appropriateness of the force, and a recommendation regarding what, if any, further action should be taken (e.g. additional training, administrative investigation, no further action).
  2. All force reviews shall minimally address the following issues as part of comprehensive investigation:

A.        Criminal Activity Involved

  1. In what criminal activity was the suspect(s) involved?
  2. Did our employees have legal standing during the contact that led to the force incident?
  3. Specify whether the contact involved a consensual encounter, reasonable suspicion, or probable cause.

B.         Tactics

  1. Did our employees exercise sound officer safety tactics?
  2. The level of teamwork and communication among the involved employees.
  3. The level of coordination and pre-planning prior to entering the problem.
  4. Was there sufficient number of personnel present to handle the situation based upon facts known at the time?
  5. Could alternate tactics (e.g. lower - level force) have been used to resolve the situation?

C.         Department Policy

     1.  Was the force used consistent with Department policy and the Situational Use of

          Force Options?

D.        Civil Liability

     1.  As the application of force objectively reasonable under the circumstances?

E.         Mission Statement and Core Values

1.  Was the application of force consistent with our Mission and Core Values?

F.         Service/Community Oriented Policing

1.  When appropriate, did we explain our actions to uninvolved third parties to avoid potential misconceptions about what occurred?


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVES 02-01 (Revised)                                                         July 24, 2006 UNIFORM FORCE PACKAGES




G.        Training

  1. Was the application of force consistent with Department-approved training?
  2. Did our employees demonstrate appropriate proficiency with the techniques and/or weapons used to overcome suspect resistance?

V.        Reporting supervisors shall gather all documentation relevant to a force incident. Each document shall

           be reviewed for consistency and any discrepancies noted and/or explained within the supervisory memorandum.

VI.      The following general guidelines shall also be adhered to when compiling information and documenting a

          force incident.

  1. It is equally important to identify and document the statements of individuals who, at the time of the incident, claimed to have not witnessed the application of force.
  2. All statements, injuries, etc. shall be documented to the greatest extent possible through the use of audio tape, video tape, and photographs. There is no such thing as too much documentation.
  3. Employees shall not be interrogated regarding their use of force, especially if the matter could result in an administrative investigation and discipline. It remains entirely appropriate, however, to seek clarification regarding the facts of an incident for reporting purposes and/or ordering the completion of reports and memoranda related to an incident.
  4. Avoid describing a use fo force as "necessary." An appropriate application of force shall be referred to as "reasonable."
  5. All completed force reviews are to be placed into the "Force" folder of the Sergeants/Lieutenants Shared Files under the incident file number.
    VII. All force packages are to be submitted to Operations within 10 calendar days of the incident unless an extension is approved by Unit Commander, Operations Lieutenant, or Operations Sergeant.