761551 N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)



"A Tradition of Service"


DATE: June 22, 2006


FROM: TODD S. ROGERS, CAPTAIN                                TO: ALL PERSONNEL

CARSON STATION                                                       CARSON STATION



                       STATION EVACUATION PLAN (EMERGENCY/FIRE) (Revised 06-22-06)


Purpose of Directive:

To establish guidelines to concisely and directly info'_ ni station personnel of the precautions and procedures to use when affecting a station evacuation. The plan addresses specific fire hazards, avenues of evacuation, specific assignments, and reoccupation procedures. Although this plan is specifically directed at fire evacuation, it will be utilized as the evacuation plan for this facility in the event evacuation becomes necessary due to any natural or man-made disaster.

Scope of Directive:

This directive applies to all station personnel.


The following general procedures are to be followed by personnel in the event of a fire, smoke, or other disaster requiring an evacuation of Carson Station.

Carson Station is equipped with a heat-sensitive fire sprinkler system throughout the entire basement, part of the main floor, and in the desk area. Each sprinkler is separately activated and when this occurs, an audible alarm affixed to the exterior west wall of the building is automatically activated. In addition, two rooms in this building are specially equipped with a Halon Gas Fire Suppression System. These rooms are:

  1. The microwave room, located in the basement kitchen area
  2. The generator room, located in the east end of the basement hallway


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 99-02                                                                           June 22, 2006





The halon gas system is also sensitive to heat and smoke which will activate an audible horn-sounding alarm if a fire occurs within.

The major fire hazards within the station are:

  1. The gasoline pumps and the garage area,
  2. The armory, which contains ammunition and gas canisters,
  3. The jail cells and inmate sleeping quarters, where burning mattresses containing polyurethane emit toxic fumes

Station personnel shall engage in fire-fighting activities only to that extent necessary to preserve life or to safely evacuate personnel or inmates.

Two self-contained breathing apparatus (air pacs) are mounted on the wall directly behind the jailer's desk. Only station personnel properly equipped and trained in the use of these self-contained breathing apparatus shall utilize this equipment as is necessary to safely evacuate personnel or inmates, and always in tandem.

A floor plan indicating the class and location of station fire extinguishers, location

of exits, location of air pacs and fire block is included with this plan.

Evacuation and Exits

It will be the responsibility of the shift Watch Commander to determine if an evacuation is necessary. Once a fire is discovered, it is the responsibility of that person to immediately notify the dispatch center personnel of the following:

  1. Location and size of the fire
  2. What type of material is burning
  3. Areas needing to be evacuated and avenues of evacuation to avoid injuries

Specific Responsibilities

  1. Desk personnel shall immediately broadcast this info'_ illation over the public
    address system.
  2. The Watch Commander shall be responsible for the upstairs evacuation.


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 99-02                                                                           June 22, 2006





  1. The Watch Sergeant shall be responsible for the downstairs evacuation and for shutting off the air conditioning system. Depending on which shift the fire occurs, the Watch Commander and Watch Sergeant may designate additional personnel to assist him/her.
  2. The Watch Sergeant will assign a deputy to meet and direct responding Fire Department personnel at the parking lot gate.

There are six (6) major exits out of the station and they are:

  1. The door adjacent to the Narcotics office at the northeast corner of the station.
  2. The door leading from the rear of the jail located along the east wall of the station.
  3. The stairwell door located along the east wall of the station leading upstairs from the men's locker room area.
  4. The entry/exit door to the booking area of the jail.
  5. The entry/exit door east of the Watch Sergeant's office.
  6. The lobby door.

With the exception of the rear jail door and booking area door, all doors are clearly marked EXIT.

It shall be the responsibility of the Watch Deputy to advise station personnel which exits are away from the fire. The Watch Deputy shall also make sure that the dispatchers notify field crews to ensure station security and prisoner control, and units shall be designated to respond to the station parking lot for this purpose. It shall be the responsibility of the Watch Sergeant to coordinate first aid for any injured individuals.

Keeping in mind that all situations vary in severity, the following is a guideline only and shall be used unless otherwise directed by the Watch Commander:

  1. Personnel in the lobby area, Community Relations, desk crew, and Administrative offices exit out the lobby door.
  2. Personnel in the Traffic Office, Detective Bureau, Narcotics and interview rooms shall exit via the northeast door.
  3. Personnel in the Secretaries office, Watch Sergeant's office and upstairs briefing room shall exit via the entry/exit door east of the Watch Sergeant's office.


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 99-02                                                                            June 22, 2006





D.   Personnel downstairs during a fire shall exit via the stairwell door or come

upstairs and exit east of the Watch Sergeant's office.

Depending on the number of personnel available for this purpose, two-man search teams shall be appointed to check the restrooms, bunk rooms, utility rooms and other areas within the building where the public address system may not have been effective.

If the reason for the evacuation is other than a fire, personnel shall meet in the east parking lot at the helicopter pad. If the incident is a fire, personnel shall meet across Desford Street in the northeast parking lot of the Community Center. Once evacuation is considered complete and conditions permit, a roll call shall be conducted to account for all on-duty personnel.

Prisoner Evacuation and Control

In addition to the previously mentioned general suppression and evacuation problems and practices, prisoners evacuation requires special handling. The following procedures shall be implemented as conditions permit:

  1. The jailer shall be primarily responsible for investigating the extent and location of any fire originating in the jail. The Watch Sergeant shall assign assisting personnel for this purpose. A set of "fire block" keys is stored within the Watch Sergeant's desk for use in emergencies.
  2. If it is determined, or even suspected, that the fire originating in a particular cell is of more than minor extent, that cell door should not be opened until all other prisoners in the jail are safely evacuated. The sudden availability of air through the opened door could easily create uncontrollable conditions in an otherwise controlled situation.

The Watch Commander will determine if prisoner evacuation is necessary. When the need for evacuation has been determined, the jailer and his/her assistants shall usher prisoners through the appropriate exterior doors at the east side of the building leading to the parking lot and turn them over to a radio car crews who will have responded to assist. If necessary, prisoners may be secured within the station vans or radio cars pending other arrangements. Extra sets of hand cuff chains are stored at the jailer's desk and are to be used to secure prisoners during evacuation.


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 99-02                                                                            June 22, 2006





Mandatory segregation of prisoners will be maintained if possible, i.e., male/female, adult/juvenile.

If the jail facility is damaged to the extent that prisoners cannot be returned to the cells, arrangements shall be made for transportation to MCJ or another nearby station. This decision will be made by the Watch Commander based on the conditions that exist at the time.

Injured prisoners shall be immediately transported to emergency medical facilities, either by ambulance or radio car, and deputy personnel shall be provided to ensure their security pending transportation to an appropriate custody facility.


The Watch Deputy, after being advised of a fire, shall make the following notifications when applicable:

  1. Immediately notify the Fire Department and tell them where to contact station personnel.
  2. Notify ambulance and paramedics and direct them where to contact station personnel.
  3. Ensure that sufficient Fire Department paramedics and ambulances are dispatched to ensure that first aid will be administered and/or the severely injured will be transported to appropriate hospitals and/or burn centers.

When time permits notify SRC, SIB, FOR II Headquarters, and other Sheriffs stations and police departments regarding no booking and TST for prisoner transportation. If telephone communications are interrupted, notify Lennox Station to reroute our 9-1-1 calls to them.

If dispatch operations are interrupted, again, notify Lennox Station to reroute 9-1-1 calls and handle our communication and dispatch operations.


After concurring with the Fire Department personnel and ensuring that entry is safe, the ranking officer shall assess damages. He/she shall then check for ventilation of toxic fumes and smoke and dissipation of water. The


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 99-02                                                                           June 22, 2006





ranking officer shall then provide for any services damaged in the fire, i.e., CRT and teletype machines, etc. He/she shall then notify any affected departments of damage.

The above notwithstanding, the primary consideration should be that station personnel should know the location of exits and be aware of the listed hazard areas, i.e., gas pumps, armory, etc.

The sergeants and above should ensure that personnel evacuate carefully, avoiding panic. This will ensure that common sense prevails.

Follow-Up Reporting

The Watch Commander shall be responsible for the appropriate notifications to the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau (Op Log), the Division Chief and the Area or Duty Commander as per current policy concerning significant incidents.

Reference Note: A book with illustrations identifying the location and procedures for shutting off all utilities (gas, water, air handlers, etc.) is maintained by the Watch Commander, Watch Sergeant, and Watch Deputy.


