761551N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)



    "A Tradition of Service"


DATE: June 24, 2006


FROM:   TODD S. ROGERS, CAPTAIN                                 TO: ALL PERSONNEL

CARSON STATION                                                      CARSON STATION


                   POSITIVE PERFORMANCE PLAN (REVISED 06-25-06)


Purpose of Directive:

Providing personalized supervision and counseling by supervisors to their subordinates has been a historical problem to accomplish and maintain, particularly because supervisors have not been assigned personal responsibility for specific employees. While supervisors are responsible for the performance and conduct of their subordinates, we tend to overlook the need to foster and create an effective supervisory relationship with employees. To ensure personal interaction between supervisors/managers and subordinates at Carson Station, the Positive Performance Plan shall be implemented. This plan will assist in accurately evaluating a subordinate's performance and assist in detatinining training needs. This plan will also enhance unity of command, strengthen responsibility, clarify authority, and establish accountability.

Scope of Directive:

The Positive Performance Plan applies to all employees assigned to Carson Station.


Creation of a "Team" Concept for Evaluation and Supervision

To create a chain-of-command and to maintain responsibility and accountability, each sergeant and non-sworn supervisor shall be assigned to a specific lieutenant. Each deputy and non-sworn employee shall be assigned to a sergeant. In effect, each lieutenant and sergeant/supervisor will become the team leader of a group of subordinates (fornierly referred to as "pods" at Carson Station.)

While Team Sergeant/Supervisors will maintain general responsibilities for overseeing the work and conduct of all employees, they will be responsible for maintaining a "special relationship" with subordinates on their team. Whenever appropriate, team leaders shall be responsible for investigating minor infractions and for recording positive performance involving their team members. If another supervisor has a positive or negative contact with another team's member, a copy of any memo or other documentation of the incident should be shared with the employee's team leader.


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 97-11                                                                           June 24, 2006






A strong evaluation component has been built into the Positive Performance Plan. While team leaders are encouraged to establish and maintain continuing the two-way communications with their team leaders, they shall be required to conduct quarterly meetings with each member.

During these supervisory/counseling meetings, team leaders will reinstate their performance expectations for each team member. This will include an overall evaluation of the employee's performance to date. This meeting should be conducted in a non-folinal environment and the team ember's opinions and ideas should be solicited. Positive and substandard performance and conduct should be analyzed and goals for the next quarter should be discussed and established. The team leader should determine what he/she can do to assist the employee in achieving these goals. Each supervisory/counseling session shall be recorded on a standardized Quarterly Performance Review form.

Quarterly Positive Performance reviews with an employee shall include personal relations and conduct (with an emphasis on discourtesy complaints), defensive driving techniques, use of force, and a review of the employee's PPI. Other areas of review, evaluation, training, or counseling may also include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

"Leadership, tactical situations, productivity (arrests/citations/case clearance/special projects), uniform appearance, grooming standards, maintenance of equipment, report writing, recurrent briefings, recurrent testing, application to duties, absenteeism, officer/workplace safety, effective use of patrol time, proper use of MDT and JDIC terminals, response times, training needs development, goals and objectives, meeting the needs of our Contract City, Community Oriented Policing, Core Values, our Mission Statement, Station Management Directives, Department Directives."

Record Maintenance

Team Sergeants and supervisors shall submit Quarterly Performance Review forms to their respective Team Leaders for review to ensure thoroughness and objectivity.

Completed forms will be placed in a Quarterly Performance Review form binder maintained in the Watch Commander's office. The Quarterly Performance Review foiiiis will be used as resource data for the team member 's annual or transfer perfoiniance evaluation.

Team leaders will be evaluated in part on the quality of supervision they provide to their team members. Team lieutenants will also be responsible for assisting their assigned sergeants/supervisors with their team leader responsibilities.

Maintenance of the Format

The station's Scheduling Supervisor will attempt to keep team members on a schedule/shift that allows frequent contact with their team leaders. However, it is recognized that this will not always be possible. In such cases, team members, with the concurrence of both team leaders, will be allowed to switch to a new


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 97-11                                                                           June 24, 2006





team to ensure as much supervisory contact as possible.

The Training/Scheduling office will be responsible for coordinating team changes among the team leaders. A member should be removed to a new team when the member and the team leader share less than one day per week on the same shift. When a team change has been effected, it will be the Training/Scheduling office's responsibility to send written notice fo the change to the concerned employees, team leaders, and team lieutenants. It will be incumbent upon team leaders to share information about the transferring team member.

As significant staffing changes occur, the Training/Scheduling office will provide team lieutenants and team leaders with an automated list of their respective team members. These lists shall include each team member's dues dates for annual evaluations and quarterly meetings.






Carson Station


Employee:                                                                 Date:                   Quarter:


Review Areas Competent       Needs Approval
Work Habits    
Personal Relations    
Supervisory Ability    










Employee:    __________________________________     Date:   _______________________

Supervisor:  ___________________________________

Reviewer:    ___________________________________


                                      Record additional information on reverse side of form if necessary