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"A Tradition of Service"

                              DATE        March 14, 2006



FROM:          TODD S. ROGERS, CAPTAIN                             TO: ALL PERSONNEL

                      CARSON STATION                                                     CARSON STATION



                        OVERTIME DRAFT POLICY (Revised 03-14-06)


Purpose of Directive:

To establish a uniform, equitable policy for drafting Station personnel to fill patrol vacancies created by staffing shortages, call-ins, or other emergent circumstances when no volunteers exist.

Scope of Directive:

This Directive applies to all sworn and civilian personnel.


The draft will be conducted on a rotational basis using reverse Department seniority for on-duty personnel as the selection criteria, with ties being broken by utilization of alphabetical name listings.

The draft seniority list will be maintained in the Watch Sergeant's Office and updated from a master list maintained by the Training/Scheduling Office. When a vacancy occurs and no one volunteers to fill the position, the Watch Sergeant will consult the draft list, choosing the next qualified on-duty person in order of least seniority. It will be the obligation of the chosen deputy to advise the sergeant if working the ordered overtime would conflict with other Department mandates concerning overtime. Examples would be: working more than ten days in a row; working more than 18 hours straight; working back to back doubles; working more than 96 hours overtime in a month; or having worked an ordered overtime spot during the cycle of the draft list (refer to Management Directive 97-01.)


MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 97-02                                               March 14, 2006





If a conflict does arise, the deputy may be exempted for that day and the next person on the list is selected. However, the bypassed deputy will become the next in line on the draft list. The process will be repeated each time the names on the list are exhausted.

If the position to be filled is one which normally would be filled by a Sheriff's Desk Operations Assistant (SDOA) or a Custody Assistant (CA), then the ordering process will begin with those personnel until all available options have been exhausted. If no SDOA or CA volunteers are found, then deputies may be considered and allowed to volunteer for the position. If no Deputy Sheriffs volunteer, then a SDOA or CA will be ordered to work.

In order to guard against inequities, no trading of positions on the draft list will be allowed. Likewise, volunteering to work an overtime position one day to take the place of an ordered overtime position on another day will not be allowed.

The list utilized for the selection of deputies or employees to work "ordered overtime" will commence with the least senior deputy, SDOA or CA and will remain in effect for as long as it takes to pass through the most senior person on the list at least one time before it will revert back to the beginning.