761551N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)



"A Tradition of Service"


DATE: August 8, 2012



FROM:        EDDIE RIVERO, CAPTAIN                                    TO: ALL PERSONNEL

                   CARSON STATION                                                       CARSON STATION



A.  Purpose

      The purpose of this order is to establish policy for the proper securing of the AR-15 and the Benelli M2 shotgun by Carson          Station personnel.

B.  Background

     The deployment of AR-15 rifles provides personnel with the capability to deliver accurate fire at much greater distances than       with a handgun, and it provides added levels of protection from armed suspects. The Benelli M2 provides deputy personnel         the option of a semi-automatic shotgun and is an effective weapon during tactical operations. These weapons must be               safely secured when not deployed.

C.  Scope of Policy

      This policy will establish guidelines and procedures concerning the above tactical weapons and shall be adhered to by all          Carson Station personnel.

D.  Accountability

      Only Carson Station personnel who successfully complete the mandatory training will be allowed to deploy the AR-15 rifle          and the Benelli M2 shotgun. Only Department-owned AR-15 and Benelli M2 shotguns shall be issued to deputy personnel          authorized to deploy them. On-duty use of personally owned AR-15 rifles and Benelli M2 shotguns is prohibited.


A. Weapon Security

The AR-15 rifle shall normally be carried locked in the rifle rack of patrol units equipped with a rack. Otherwise, the rifle shall be carried in a Department-authorized case secured in the cargo carrying area of the


                  MANAGEMENT DIRECTIVE 12-03
                  SECURING OF TACTICAL WEAPONS                                                                                        August 8, 2012




vehicle. The rifle shall be carried with the bolt closed on an empty chamber, safety on, and a loaded magazine in the weapon.

The weapons maintained at Carson Station, unless deployed in field supervisor or rifle cars, shall be stored in the armory. Under no circumstances will these weapons be stored in personal lockers, personal vehicles, or in county vehicles when not in use.

When the Benelli M2 shotgun is not in use, the weapon shall be stored in a secure location in its carry bag. This means a locked county facility within a secure locked storage locker or in the station's armory.





1/14/2020                                                    5-09/170.25 - Storage and Maintenance - PARS Internal Viewer



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5-09/170.25 - Storage and Maintenance

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5-09/170.30 - Routine Field Deployment > (Niewer/Manuals/10008/Content/12366?

The weapons maintained at each Station/Unit, unless deployed in field supervisor or rifle cars, shall be stored in the armory or in a secured locker when they are issued exclusively to specific qualified personnel. Cleaning of the patrol rifle shall only be performed by personnel possessing current patrol rifle qualification. Maintenance and repair shall be performed by armorers of the Weapons Training Unit. Station/Unit personnel shall not break down or "field strip" patrol rifles except as required for cleaning purposes. Unit Commanders shall ensure that all equipment issued by the Weapons Training Unit associated with each rifle — such as optics, magazines, flashlights, slings, and ammunition carriers — are accounted for and serviceable.

Unit Commanders shall ensure all weapons at their facilities are rotated for use during the training of assigned personnel. This shall be done to ensure the weapons are functioning properly, are accurately sighted for field use, and are cleaned on a regular basis.


     = 09/18/2014                                                    Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department - Version 2019.12.18.1

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