Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deaprtment


Carson Station


      STATION ORDER NUMBER: 97-03                                                                 JANUARY 25, 2015

Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:



                                                           DEFERRED REPORTS


The purpose of this order shall be to establish policies and procedures for deferring reports by all personnel assigned to Carson Station while considering our public service responsibilities and overtime constraints.


When an employee realizes that he/she will be unable to complete any report(s) during their assigned shift, he/she shall notify the watch sergeant who shall approve or disapprove the deferral. Deferred reports shall be completed within 24 hours of the incident unless otherwise approved by the watch commander. If the employee is not scheduled to work the next day, the report shall not be deferred.

A report may be deferred when:

-There is no workable information

-Misdemeanor field releases

-Misdemeanor non-desirous

-Felony, no workable information

-Traffic collisions with no injuries

-Traffic collisions with minor injuries and no follow-up

-Late arrest/in-custody reports may be deferred when a PCD has been completed and

 detectives are aware of the incident and concur with deferral of the report.


Child Abuse reports shall not be deferred, per M.P.P. Section 4-06/023.00.









This directive applies to all personnel assigned to Carson Station.


Deputy Responsibilities

Once the report is authorized for deferral, the deputy shall;

  • Print the required information in the deferred report log
  • Complete the face page of the report, with the complete file number
  • Photocopy the completed face page of the report and write "DEFERRED" in the upper right corner of the copy and submit to the watch sergeant for attachment to the deferral log as a reference
  • At the beginning of their next shift, complete the deferred report prior to initiating any observations, patrol checks, or other self-initiated activities. The deputy shall assist on any assigned calls, requests for assistance / back up, and then immediately return to completing the report
  • Ensure that the deferred report is cleared from the deferred log and dry erase board upon submitting it to the watch sergeant.                                                                                                                                                                                            

 Watch Sergeant's Responsibilities

  When a report has been approved for deferral, the watch sergeant shall sign the deferred log and enter the appropriate                        information on the dry erase board. The watch sergeant shall write, on the left side of the URN Log, "DEFERRED," including the          date and the approving supervisor's initials. Once the report is approved, it shall be marked accordingly on the URN Log. The              watch sergeant shall check the URN Log each shift and ensure all reports from the prior day's shift are either turned in or deferred.

  No reports shall be deferred longer than 24-hours. Deputies shall notify the watch sergeant of any compelling or substantial                  reasons a deferred report cannot be completed on time. If necessary, the watch commander shall determine the proper course of        action to ensure the completion of the report.