STATION ORDER NUMBER: 18-1                                                                                                       September 7, 2018 

Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:





The purpose of this station order is to establish procedural guidelines and responsibilities for personnel to properly utilize and document hits and/or arrests derived from the fixed !Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras and Automated Surveillance and Protection (ASAP) units in the Carson Station area.


ALPR is a computer-based system that utilizes special cameras to capture a color image, as well as an infrared image, of the license plate of a passing vehicle. The plate is automatically run to see if it is stolen, or has any other wants/warrants associated with it. If a match is found, the user is notified of the vehicle "hit" by an audible alert and an associated notation on the user's computer screen.


Mobile ALPR unit users receiving an alert that a vehicle is stolen, wanted, or has a warrant associated with it shall immediately confirm the status of the vehicle by running the license plate either manually via the MDC/CAD or over the radio via SCC, unless compelling circumstances are present or officer safety issues make it unsafe to do so. In such cases, deputies shall confirm the status of the wanted vehicle as soon as possible. When requesting SCC to confirm the status of an ALPR hit, the deputy shall advise SCC the request is for an ALPR hit on a vehicle. In the case of a stolen vehicle hit, personnel may regard the vehicle as a known stolen vehicle while awaiting secondary confirmation. If the decision is made to initiate Code 9 operations prior to secondary confirmation, deputies shall request the Duplex Patch and announce their status in a manner similar to the following:

"Carson 163 is Code 9 behind a 10-29V ALPR hit..."

A vehicle pursuit is considered unauthorized until secondary confirmation has been obtained. This is why it is imperative that deputies include "ALPR" verbiage in their initial broadcast.


ASAP/ALPR GUIDELINES                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 7, 2018

STATION ORDER 18-1                                                                 






  -  Currently, Carson Station has cameras in fixed positions at the following locations:

  -  2 Cameras — Scottsdale Estates entrance.

  -  2 Cameras — Scottsdale Estates exit.

  -  4 Cameras — N/B Alameda Street at Sepulveda Boulevard

  -  3 Cameras — N/B Wilmington Avenue at Sepulveda Boulevard

  -  2 Cameras — W/B 223'' Street at Arco Road


There are three (3) ALPR trailers disguised as temporary roadside digital speedometer warning signs (alerting passing motorists of their speeds). Their placement throughout Carson's patrol area is at supervisor discretion or upon the recommendation of any sworn personnel. Placement of the trailers shall be logged in dispatch in a conspicuous location such as a grease board. The oncoming watch commander shall be notified of their location. The watch commander will ensure ALPR trailer locations are disseminated to all field personnel.1


  -  The Watch Deputy and Dispatcher shall insure the Target Alert System (TAS) is activated and enabled at all times

      throughout their shift.

  -  In the event a hit is verified for a 10-29V, high bail or felony warrants, or Amber Alerts, the information shall be

     relayed to the patrol units without delay.

  -  As soon as practical, a call shall be generated for documentation purposes. If the information is relayed via L-TAC,

     and the vehicle is not located, an OBS shall !be generated by the desk and cleared if a patrol unit has not already done so.

  -  All Call/OBS generated from the fixed ALPR cameras shall be cleared with the stat code 836, even if the

     targeted vehicle is not located. It is imperative we accurately record these hits to track the effectiveness

     of the system for statistical purposes.

Please ensure the following stat codes are used:



Any incident associated with the ALPR system shall be documented using a secondary ALPR statistical code. The statistical code shall be written in the box on the top of the Incident Report (SH-R-49) and in the MDT clearance. ALPR statistical codes cannot be used for the issuance of an URN number, but shall be used as a secondary statistical clearance code only.


ASAP/ALPR GUIDELINES                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 7, 2018

STATION ORDER 18-1                                                                 





Additionally, any vehicle recovered using the ALPR system shall have "ALPR RECOVERY" written across the top of the CHP-180 and the secondary ALPR statistical clearance code will be entered into the MDT clearance log.


It is the responsibility of Carson supervisor(s) to ensure the implementation of this order.