This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Altadena Station.
It is the policy of Altadena Station that the deployment of the X26 Taser be restricted to users who are Departmentally approved and certified. The Taser is an additional less-lethal tool that may be used to control assaultive or dangerous individuals when other conventional tactics have failed. The Taser is not intended to replace firearms, self-defensive tactics, or deadly force.
Upon encountering a situation which may require the use of the Taser, request the
response of a back-up unit and a field supervisor.
The Taser may be utilized as an intimidation feature to de-escalate a situation such as,
show of force either a laser activation or a spark demonstration.
When the X26 is used as a spark demonstration this activation shall be noted in the Mobile
Digital Log.
All suspects struck by a Taser shall, as soon as practical and prior to booking, be
transported to a medical facility for probe removal and medical examination. Only medical
staff shall remove probes.
Using a Taser on a suspect is considered Category 2, Use of Force and all required
documentation shall be completed.
All personnel will adhere to the MMP section 5-09/430.00, Use of Force Reporting and
Review Procedures and MPP 5-09/175.05 Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER)