08-035: Earthquake and Disaster Planning


The outline responsibilities of Compton Station personnel in the event of a major earthquake or other disaster.



The primary concern for personnel should be the safety and well-being of their families.  However, for those deputies on duty at the time of the disaster, this may not be possible.  Their individual responsibilities and duties will prohibit them from responding to their homes to provide assistance.   To help on-duty personnel in contacting their families, we have created a special telephone number at the Station Emergency Operations Center.  This number is being reserved to be explicitly used by family members of on-duty personnel and off-duty personnel to call the station.  Every effort will be made to ensure the welfare of the on-duty employee's family.

Emergency Telephone No.:    (310) 605-6500


Employee Responsibility 

On duty personnel

  1. Shall remain at their assignment until properly relieved.
  2. Primary functions are:
    1. Damage assessment of critical facilities and locations to include all Sheriff's facilities in the Station's area.
    2. Lifesaving
    3. Maintenance of peace and order.

Off duty personnel

  1. When personnel become aware of the magnitude of the disaster, they shall make every effort to ascertain to what   phase the Department has been mobilized (Refer to Manual of Policy and procedures, Section 5-06/020.05 through 5-06/020.25).\
  2. Personnel scheduled for the next shift, after stabilizing their family, shall report to Compton Station.
  3. If telephone communications are unavailable personnel shall automatically respond after securing their family and home.
  4. All deputies shall make every effort to respond to Compton Station.  Personnel should plan alternate routes and methods of transportation with this end in mind.  Those personnel,  who are unable to respond to Compton Station, are required to respond to the nearest Sheriff's facility.   In order to be prepared for this possibility, sworn personnel shall maintain at least one Class B "Emergency Response Uniform," a weapon to be used with this uniform, and other equipment as personnel deem fit at home.

All sworn personnel should prepare their families and themselves to be on-duty or on-call at the station for 72 hour period.

All deputies should remember that they have a moral obligation to respond in the event of an earthquake or disaster.    Although their family's safety is of the utmost concern to any employee, without personnel responding to the emergency and performing their assigned tasks, the station and the Department will become ineffective in saving lives and restoring order to a possible chaotic situation.

Proper planning and preparation by the deputy's family will help minimize the impact of the disaster.