The purpose of this Station Order is to establish procedures to ensure the internally recorded digital time data for the Compton Station Taser devices are always updated and accurate.
As a result of previous Departmental investigations involving the deployment of Taser devices, it was discovered some of the Tasers assigned to Compton Station contained either factory default or incorrect internally recorded digital time data when downloaded. As a result of potential civil ramifications resulting from this inaccurate information, a corrective action procedure was required.
The Armory Sergeant shall, in addition to the required maintenance and tracking of all Compton Station Armory equipment items, implement a quarterly inspection procedure to verify the internally recorded digital time data for each of the Compton Station Taser devices are updated and accurate.
This is to be accomplished by following the manufacturer’s procedures for properly synchronizing each Taser device, using the manufacturers synchronize/downloading hardware located in the Watch Commander’s safe.
In the event a Taser device was discovered with a zero percentage power rating or having no power indication, the battery shall be replaced. Upon replacement of the Taser device’s battery, the synchronize/downloading hardware shall be used to ensure the device’s internally recorded digital time data is updated and accurate.
The Armory Sergeant can designate a deputy to assist in complying with these responsibilities.
The Armory Lieutenant shall ensure the quarterly inspection procedure is followed to ensure the internally recorded digital time data for each of the Compton Station Taser devices are always updated and accurate.
Every member of Compton Station using a Taser Device shall ensure either the Armory Sergeant or Armory Lieutenant is notified when a Taser device’s battery is replaced as a result of a zero percentage power rating or having no power indication.