Number 13 |
June 2019 |
Effective July 1, 2013 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors restructured the Sheriff’s budget to include a budget unit that is specifically dedicated to funding patrol services provided to the unincorporated areas. The following are the guidelines for compliance and tracking of these patrol services.
Invoices and Billing
The Department sends monthly invoices, based on monthly patrol compliance, to the Board of Supervisors for the patrol services provided in the unincorporated areas.
This type of tracking and billing for patrol compliance has been standard for contract city billing.
It is important to monitor unincorporated patrol minutes on a daily basis in an attempt to meet the same monthly compliance levels as each contract city. Stations are encouraged to ensure
DDWS Reports accurately reflect the minutes spent in the correct patrol areas. Consistent review of the current RAPS 500P report will provide an updated indication of contracted patrol compliance.
While it is impossible to predict when significant events occur, it is important for station personnel to strive for 100% compliance each month to ensure a consistent source of funding from the Board of Supervisors as well as the contract cities.