Training Bulletin 4- Use of Overtime Control Numbers


Number 4

  January 2019


Use of Overtime Control Numbers

Guidelines for Contract Cities and Unincorporated Areas


This bulletin provides guidelines to properly use overtime required to fill contract vacancies, impairments, workload functions, and special events. These guidelines will also provide staffing strategy to fulfill contract compliance for sworn line personnel.  These guidelines are vital to ensure the Department charges and obtains the proper fees to account for any overhead costs associated with the overtime.     


Contract Vacancies

Contract vacancies are contracted items the Department cannot assign deputies to due to staffing shortages. Therefore, it is incumbent on the Department to provide adequate amount of overtime for all contract vacancies to ensure our contractual obligations are met. 


Contract Impairments

Contract impairments refer to personnel, assigned to a contracted item, who are unable to work due to long-term IOD. Depending on the station’s compliance levels, Contract Law Enforcement Bureau may provide contract impairment overtime behind the contracted item.  However, if this service can be fulfilled by another person, then the relief personnel should be utilized.  If the impaired position cannot be
fulfilled with overtime or by other personnel,
then a Billing Suspension should be submitted to Contract Law Enforcement Bureau (CLEB).


Workload Overtime

Workload overtime will occur due to late arrests, report writing, booking of evidence, court appearances, etc.  The cost of workload overtime is one of the cost components of a deputy sheriff service unit.  Although, the overtime is paid for by the client as part of the rates, it is imperative workload overtime is justified and monitored by the Watch Sergeant and Watch Commander on a case by case situation.  


Special Events

Special Event overtime is intended for use with events which meet one or more of the following criteria: one-time unique events, events which occur at irregular intervals, or events that occur at regular intervals, but are beyond the scope of services normally provided under the existing contracted service level for patrol 


Other Overtime

On occasion the Department may have the need to loan personnel to other units. It is vital a funding source is identified to ensure there is backfill overtime behind any department personnel loans.  This will help ensure contract compliance needs are met.  Overtime will not be provided by CLEB for vacancies created by loans to other units.


Overtime Allotments

Contract Vacancy and Impairment overtime allotments are determined by Administrative Services Division, with a recommendation from CLEB.  CLEB recommends overtime allotments based upon station vacancies and impairments indicated in station baselines and year-to-date contract compliance. CLEB will provide an annual Overtime Control Number(s) (OCN) to each station each Fiscal Year to track overtime.

Workload overtime is approved and monitored by the Station Watch Commander on a case by case basis.  The Watch Commander should be able to approve workload overtime in order to ensure the department meets all legal requirements and department policies.  Although workload overtime is not considered “reimbursed overtime” the overtime rates do include cost recovery from the prior fiscal year.  Any over- or underspending will be recaptured or adjusted in the overtime rates the following fiscal year.  Allocated Contract Vacancy and Impairment overtime shall not be used for Workload overtime.

Special Event overtime is overseen by CLEB’s Private Entity Desk.  Each entity must have a contract and an overtime control number prior to hiring personnel to work the event.   

Other overtime is overseen by the Assistant Sheriff’s Office or Administrative Services Division.  However, unless ordered, the Patrol Division Chiefs, Personnel Commanders, and/or Unit Commanders, should not loan personnel from their contractual duties, unless a backfill funding source has been identified.    

Unexpected Variances

During any given day, there may be a sick call-in or other personnel variance(s), which may cause a shift to be short of personnel to provide minimum staffing levels.  The Watch
Commander should hire or draft personnel to ensure each shift meets contract, officer safety, and/or public safety needs.  


Overtime Budget & Reports

Administrative Services Division and Contract Law Enforcement Bureau track different overtime budgets.  CLEB compiles and disseminates a monthly report to the Assistant Sheriff, Administrative Services Division, and each effected Division. 



CLEB Training Bulletin 2 - Contract City Law Enforcement Services Service Level Authorization form, SH-AD 575.


Manual of Policy and Procedures, Section 3-09/280.00, “Service to Contract Cities - Level Change”


Manual of Policy and Procedures, Section 3-09/280.05, “Duties of Station Commanders.”


Field Operations Directive 86-47, “Contract City Special Event Overtime Administration.”