Audit Recommendation Status
Purpose of order:
The purpose of this order is to establish follow-up policies and procedures regarding internal performance audits.
Scope of order:
This order applies to personnel assigned to the follow-up team at The Audit and Accountability Bureau (AAB).
Personnel assigned to the follow-up team will be responsible for conducting the follow-up of audit recommendations. These procedures may apply to outstanding audit reviews when necessary. Details of the follow-up will be memorialized on a recommended follow-up process guide, which will contain the most current process.
Audit recommendation follow-up:
Personnel assigned to the follow-up team will contact the concerned auditee or process owner and request a statust update (ie:, corrective action plan or supporting documents). The status will be recorded under the respective audit project number.
Tracking of follow-up actions:
All audit recommendations and follow-up action information will be recorded on a tracker maintained by personnel assigned to the follow-up team. An annual report of all outstanding recommendations will be completed and made available for review by the Director of The Office of Constitutional Policing.
Filing and documentation retention:
All documentation, whether physical copies or electronic files, shall be maintained at AAB and subject to the guidelines of AAB Unit Order #6, Document Retention.