Unit Order Eight - Office and Building Procedures

Purpose of order:

The purpose of this order is to establish policies and procedures regarding office and building security.


Personnel are issued an office key and/or building key card.  These items shall be returned when personnel are no longer assigned to AAB.  Personnel will adhere to the following procedures: 

Building access

Key cards will be used to access the building during non-business hours. 

Office access

With the exception of an emergency, all entries and exits should be made through the main double doors.  Personnel may access the main doors using the assigned identification card, key, or by pressing the (doorbell) button in which operations personnel will view the door camera and grant access only to authorized personnel. 

Office security

All external entry doors shall be secured at all times unless there is an emergency.

Personnel should not leave personal items of value or Departmental issued weapons unsecured.

Emergency procedures

In the event of an emergency, all personnel shall evacuate the office/building and meet in the parking lot in the safest manner possible. AAB personnel shall exit the office through the nearest door and into the hallway.  Personnel shall continue to evacuate and proceed through the hallway to either one of two emergency stairwells. During an emergency, personnel shall not utilize the elevators.

Office closing procedures

At the end of the day, it shall be the responsibility of the last person in the office to ensure the office is secured.  This will be accomplished by checking/locking all doors and turning off unattended electrical items (such as the coffee machine).  Prior to leaving the office, the last person assigned to operations shall ensure the unit commander, operations lieutenant, and operations sergeant offices are secured.