Unit Order Three - Department Command Inspection Review Process

Purpose of order:

The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the Audit and Accountability Bureau (AAB) involvement regarding the review process of Department Command Inspections.


The Department’s Command Inspections are conducted on an annual basis to focus on unit efficiency and adherence to established policy and procedures.

If tasked by the AAB Unit Commander to oversee the Command Inspection process to ensure integrity and accountability, AAB personnel will receive all inspection reports to include, but not limited to, any reports of deficiencies, recommendations, and/or corrective actions. 

A thorough review will be conducted to analyze all reports submitted.  The information obtained will be compiled and listed on an Inspection of Corrective Measures Worksheet.  Upon completion of the analysis, the operations staff for the respective unit of assignment will be contacted to coordinate compliance verification inspection by the AAB.  The inspection will then take place at the concerned unit to verify the deficiency correction or if it is in the process of correction.  Information discovered at the unit, along with proof of verification will also be documented on the Inspection of Corrective Measures Worksheet.  At the conclusion of the unit inspection, AAB personnel will de-brief the concerned unit commander or designee.

AAB personnel will document a summary of inspection findings in an Inspection Report.  The AAB team lieutenant shall review the inspection reports and prepare an Executive Summary Memorandum, for submission to the AAB unit commander.  Upon approval, the Executive Summary Memorandum and attached inspection reports will be submitted to the Sheriff for review.