The quality assurance review shall be conducted in accordance with auditing standards. Responsibilities for the Quality Assurance Reviewer but not limited to:
Participate in audit team meetings as needed.
Monitor and maintain open communication with the project manager throughout the audit process.
Determine if the population selected for testing is sufficient and appropriate with an unbiased approach.
Determine if the audit objectives are properly formulated and correlate to the required criteria. The criteria should be relevant, cited verbatim according to the reference, and directly support the objectives.
Ensure the testing instruments are measurable and relevant to support the criteria with a clear disposition.
Review the draft report to ensure the findings are consistent with the written narrative results, as supported by the evidence.
Confirm audit work papers directly support results.
Compile written notes for clarification of areas that are not appropriately cited or supported by the audit work papers.
Ensure the project manager provides a written response for each note.