Project Manager

The project manager is responsible for completing each step of the audit process.  The project manager position can be assigned to a sergeant or a Law Enforcement Auditor (LEA), as this position is interchangeable.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Prepare a proposal memorandum for Unit Commander approval.

  • Develop the audit/project work plan by researching previous audits, including relevant Department policy and procedures, federal, state, and local laws, and legal agreements.  

  • Communicate any areas of concern to the Audit Team Lieutenant and HCO.

  • Prepare an Entrance Meeting Memorandum and schedule an entrance meeting with the auditee.

  • Identify the audit population.

  • Prepare work papers.

  • Identify and collect evidence and data.

  • Develop the testing instruments.

  • Conduct and oversee fieldwork and completion of testing instruments.

  • Conduct analysis of results.

  • Provide weekly updates to the Audit Team Lieutenant and HCO. 

  • Provide ongoing communication with the quality assurance reviewer.

  • Ensure all Quality Assurance notes are addressed and cleared.

  • Ensure that the audit is conducted in accordance with auditing standards.

  • Ensure that work papers directly support results.

  • Inform the auditee of audit results.

  • Schedule and conduct an exit meeting with the auditee.

  • Prepare the draft and final audit reports.

  • Present audit results to Department executives as needed.

  • Ensure work papers are complete, organized, and maintained in the shared files.

  • Organize the audit binder and submit to the Team Lieutenant for review.