The project manager is responsible for completing each step of the audit process. The project manager position can be assigned to a sergeant or a Law Enforcement Auditor (LEA), as this position is interchangeable. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Prepare a proposal memorandum for Unit Commander approval.
Develop the audit/project work plan by researching previous audits, including relevant Department policy and procedures, federal, state, and local laws, and legal agreements.
Communicate any areas of concern to the Audit Team Lieutenant and HCO.
Prepare an Entrance Meeting Memorandum and schedule an entrance meeting with the auditee.
Identify the audit population.
Prepare work papers.
Identify and collect evidence and data.
Develop the testing instruments.
Conduct and oversee fieldwork and completion of testing instruments.
Conduct analysis of results.
Provide weekly updates to the Audit Team Lieutenant and HCO.
Provide ongoing communication with the quality assurance reviewer.
Ensure all Quality Assurance notes are addressed and cleared.
Ensure that the audit is conducted in accordance with auditing standards.
Ensure that work papers directly support results.
Inform the auditee of audit results.
Schedule and conduct an exit meeting with the auditee.
Prepare the draft and final audit reports.
Present audit results to Department executives as needed.
Ensure work papers are complete, organized, and maintained in the shared files.
Organize the audit binder and submit to the Team Lieutenant for review.