External Projects

The Department periodically receives reviews, audits, evaluations, analyses reviews, and other reports conducted by external entities.  External entities are organizations outside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, such as, but not limited to, the Los Angeles County Office of Inspector General (OIG), California State Auditor, Civilian Oversight Commission (COC), and Sybil Brand Commission for Institutional Inspections. 

Upon the AAB’s receipt of any report by an external entity requiring a formal Department response, the AAB will draft the formal response, on behalf of the Sheriff, based on the information provided to the Constitutional Policing Advisor by the concerned Department unit(s). 

External requests sent to AAB will be assigned a tracker number.  The request will be sent to the concerned unit for analysis and response, whether formal or informal.  AAB will collect the information, track the response, and record all actions under the respective tracker number.

After receiving the response from the concerned unit, AAB will forward the response to the requester.  In instances where the nature of the request deems it appropriate to do so, AAB may forward the response to the concerned Department executive for dissemination approval.  Should a formal response be provided by the executive level of the Department, or if AAB forwards the response directly to the requester, AAB will receive and retain a copy of the response in AAB’s electronic files.

The AAB will forward the formal response draft to the Executive Offices for review and approval by the Sheriff and/or designated Executive Staff.  After the formal response to the recommendations is provided, the AAB will monitor all recommendations and Department actions.

The AAB will maintain contact with the concerned Assistant Sheriff, or designee, regarding status updates (i.e. completed recommendation response plans, corrective action plans, and/or supporting documentation).

All follow-up action information will be recorded on a tracker maintained by AAB's Special Projects Lieutenant.