The decentralized and diversified assignments inherent to all positions within Operation Safe Streets (OSS) Bureau, create a unique problem with the certification of creditable service hours. This directive delineates procedures and responsibilities for logging and for verifying hours worked by employees.
All OSS Bureau personnel.
All OSS Bureau staff shall sign in and out every day on the Weekly Time Card.
All team sergeants are responsible for verifying their respective team members’ worked time. Upon verification, team sergeants shall sign and forward the original time sheets and overtime slips to the Bureau’s timekeeper. All time-off requests shall be submitted with this paperwork, unless slips were submitted in advance.
The work week is Sunday through Saturday. It is mandatory that all time worked, including regular hours, on-call time, and any overtime worked for OSS Bureau, contracts, or other units, shall be reported on the Weekly Time Card. If overtime hours are not reported on the Weekly Time Card, an adjusted Daily Time Card must be submitted with the Overtime Worked Report form. The regular and overtime hours worked on the overtime slips must match the Weekly Time Card. When claiming travel and/or evidence pick-up time, it shall be noted in the narrative section of the overtime slip, included in the overtime hours worked, and total number of hours worked. If there are any discrepancies, the Weekly Time Card and overtime slips will be returned to the team sergeant for corrections, which may cause a delay in payment to the employee.
Weekly Time Card and overtime slips are due at OSS Bureau Headquarters on Monday by 1000 hours. It is the responsibility of each team sergeant to ensure that all of the required documents are received at OSS Bureau Headquarters in a timely manner. These documents are needed to prepare the Weekly Overtime Report that is due at Detective Division on Tuesday morning of each week.
All paperwork (Weekly Time Cards, overtime slips, time-off requests, etc.) shall be completed in indelible ink; pencil is not acceptable. Absolutely no whiteout is acceptable on the Weekly Time Card. If an error is made, it should be lined out (by means of a single horizontal line though it) and initialed. Only overtime codes of 901, 902, 903, 904, or 909 require a number in the Control Number box of the overtime slip. That control number will start with a 1, 2, 3, or 4, depending upon which the employee worked. Contract Law Enforcement Bureau requires that we report all mileage information to them; therefore, please make sure you write down the County vehicle number, beginning and ending mileage and the total number of miles driven. If you ride with another deputy or drive your own personal vehicle, please note this in the mileage section. When working overtime at other units, it is mandatory that the overtime slip have the “outside OT org #” code for that unit written above the Control Number box, so that the appropriate unit is charged for the overtime.
Because payroll is now recorded in TIMEi, it is imperative that team sergeants verify, sign, and forward their respective teams’ Weekly Time Card and overtime slips to the timekeeper without delay. Inaccurate input and/or delays in posting deputies' time could result in no pay for that particular pay period.