25-02 - Traffic Related Disturbances - New Radio Code for Street Takeovers (511)

VOLUME 25 NUMBER 02                                                                                                    DATE: February 7, 2025




The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information about street takeovers, street racing, and cruising.  

Radio code 511 has been created and will be used for entering street takeover related calls.  Department members assigned as desk personnel should properly utilize the street takeover radio code.  The 510 radio code will continue to function as the street racing radio code.

Assembly Bill 436 (2023) codified changes related to vehicle violations and cruising in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Sections 21100 and 24008, resulting in cruising now being legal and no longer a citable offense.



Local laws prohibiting cruising originated in 1982 when state lawmakers passed legislation that allowed local governments to implement anti-cruising ordinances.  Cruising was defined as repetitive driving a motor vehicle past a traffic control point in traffic that is congested at or near another traffic control point.

AB 436 amended 21100 CVC by repealing the authority of local authorities to enact ordinances regulating cruising.  Thus, sections 15.78.010 LACC and 24008 CVC are no longer citable offenses, and cruising is not unlawfulOther vehicle code sections and equipment violations may still apply, and enforcement efforts should still be conducted if those other violations are applicable.



A street takeover is defined as an unauthorized gathering of car enthusiasts, who unlawfully seize control over an intersection, street, parking lot, or other roadway surface intended for traversing vehicles, and use one or more vehicles to perform reckless stunts, which often result in property damage and/or injury.

Street takeovers were previously isolated to smaller events that occurred with less frequency.  These car gatherings evolved into the street takeover scene and created reckless activities which are glorified on social media platforms.



The Department has created the following radio code for use in the event of a street takeover:

  • Radio Code 511 – Street Takeover

Radio Code 511 will be used for street takeover related calls.  The use of a specific radio code for street takeovers will ensure more accurate tracking of these common calls.

Calls dispatched with the 511 radio code may be cleared with the following clearance code:

  • Clearance Code 731 – Vehicle/Boat Disturbances/Street Takeover

(The description will be updated in the next publication of the Statistical Code Guide / Radio Code Book.)

Example: If a street takeover (511) call is received:

  • Clearance Code 731 should be used to clear the call when there is evidence a street takeover occurred (e.g. vehicles dispersed/dispersing upon arrival, skid marks, peel out smoke, etc.).
  • If there is no evidence of a street takeover, Clearance Code 731 is not necessary.

The conclusion of a street takeover call may require the use of applicable traffic or non-traffic related statistical codes. Handling personnel should use appropriate statistical codes that can apply if any enforcement, detention, or investigation occurs (e.g., vehicle tows, criminal investigative reports, traffic crash reports, cites/arrests).

Radio Code 510 will continue to function as the street racing radio code. It will include road rage and vehicle(s) speeding/weaving without taking over a roadway to impede the flow of traffic.



The following is a list of citable offenses that may be applicable to traffic related disturbance calls and investigations.

Rules of the Road

21650 CVC - Failure to drive on the right side of the road
21970 CVC - Stopping in a crosswalk and blocking “unnecessarily.”
21954(a) CVC - Pedestrian in a roadway causing hazard, immediate danger.
22504 (a) CVC - Stopping/parking in the roadway
22349 (b) CVC - Excessive 55 mph on surface street
22350 CVC - Unsafe speed for conditions
22356 (b) CVC - Exceeding max specified speed limit
22400 CVC - Driving at slow speed, impeding traffic
23103 (a) CVC - Reckless driving
23103 (b) CVC - Reckless driving, off street parking facility
23109 (a) CVC - Participate in speed contest
23109 (b) CVC - Aid or abet in speed contest
23109 (c) CVC - Participate in exhibition of speed
23109 (d) CVC - Aid or abet in exhibition of speed
27001 CVC - Unnecessary use of horn
417.27(c) PC - Pointing laser at person or vehicle with intent to harass/annoy
247.5 PC - Willfully and maliciously pointing laser at aircraft

Equipment Violations

26708 (a)(1) CVC - Tinted windows
27151 (a) CVC - Modified exhaust
5200 (a) CVC - Two plates required (when issued two)
5200 (b) CVC - One plate required (when issued one)
5201.1 CVC - Covering, obscuring, removing reflective paint on plate
13.46.010 LACC – Prohibits spectators at a street race/street takeover

Notable Tow Authorities

23109.2 CVC - 30 day impound speed contest, reckless driving and/or exhibition of speed
22651 (b) CVC - Parked or left standing on a highway
22651 (g) CVC - Driver injured or incapacitated
22651 (h) CVC - Driver arrested



511 radio code will be used to input street takeover calls and assist with tracking.

Cruising is now legal and the authority to regulate cruising at the local level has been removed from the California Vehicle Code.

If you require further information, contact Field Operations Support Services at (323) 890-5411 or fossunit@lasd.org.



AB 436leginfo.legislature.ca.gov