16-16 - New Clearance Requirements for Logging Field Activity



Reprogramming of the MDC/CAD system was necessary to capture additional information for each person detained pursuant to a settlement with the Department of Justice.  These upgrades will enhance the Department’s ability to gather data related to traffic stops, back seat detentions, probation/parole contacts, and vehicle impound/storage authorities.  With continued self-evaluation and assessment of data collection, the Department is committed to documenting its dedication to Constitutional Policing.  

Entering Contact Information on Assists:

Clearance codes 779 (OBS Assist) and 780 (Assigned Assist) have both been reprogrammed to allow entry of information into the Contact Information Fields, which were previously only allowed on 840/841/842 clearance codes.

Reference Call and New Clearance/Stat Code:

Logging contact information on detainees is now limited to two persons per tag clearance.  When more than two people are detained related to the same incident, additional observation (OBS) tags must be created to capture complete contact information on all remaining detained persons not logged in the original tag by linking them with the new Reference Call (REFCALL) feature. The additional OBS tag will be cleared using the REFCALL field, along with the new stat code 843: Logging Additional Detained Persons on OBS or CALL.

Utilizing the new REFCALL field when logging additional detained individuals will link these additional tags to the original tag. This includes assist OBS and assigned assists, linking the contact information to the handling unit’s call or OBS.

Use of the REFCALL field in conjunction with the new stat code 843: Logging Additional Detained Persons on OBS or CALL, will allow all contact-related information to be linked in one incident.  Field personnel must use stat code 843 to log additional detained individuals which were not logged by the original unit or by the assisting or OBS calls using 779 or 780 clearance codes by creating a supplemental OBS and entering a reference number in the REFCALL field.  Stat code 843 cannot be used in conjunction with other clearance/stat codes.  If stat code 843 is used, at least one set of contact information for one individual must be entered.  The REFCALL field requires a reference number associated with the original or handling unit’s tag.  The reference number is comprised of three elements: the three letter station pneumonic, Julian date, and original tag number. The Julian date can be found on the bottom right-hand corner of all SMS in-services.

Example: LAN16055-0023

  • LAN16055-0023:     Three letter station pneumonic

  • LAN16055-0023:      Julian date = first two digits are the current year (16) + number of days elapsed since the beginning of the year (55th day of the year)

  • LAN16055-0023:      Original tag number (4 digits)

Field personnel may also use this system if they respond to a non-assigned station and assist, see example below. 

Scenario: Lancaster Station has a call-for-service that requires units from Palmdale Station to respond and assist.  Each assisting unit from Palmdale Station creates an OBS showing them assisting the units from Lancaster Station.  When the units from Palmdale Station clear their calls, they will use stat code 779 and enter the Reference Number (LAN16055-0023) associated with Lancaster Station’s handling unit’s tag into the REFCALL field.  By doing so, the Department will be able to capture all of the information associated with that specific call or observation in one Incident History, even if the information is coming from multiple units and stations.

Probation / Parole Status of Detained Person:

A new field has been added to track probation/parole contacts. With the addition of the “ASK PROB/PAR” field, deputy personnel must log when they DO or DO NOT ask a detained individual if they are on probation or parole by entering “Y” if they DO ask, or an “N” if they DO NOT ask.  The detained individual’s answer to the question must be entered into the new “ANSR” field as “Y” for yes or “N” for no. 

Note:   If stat codes 840, 841, 842, or 843 are used, these new fields require entries. 

Back Seat Detentions:

Back seat detentions (BSD) Contact Type codes “B” and “C” must be used when logging individuals detained in the back seat of any Department vehicle for investigative purposes for any period of time.  With the addition of the back seat detention length (BSDLEN) field, deputy personnel are now required to enter the number of minutes an individual was detained in the back seat.  This new field requires a three digit entry, for example: if the duration of the BSD is 9 minutes, the entry will be 009, if the duration of the BSD is 35 minutes, the entry will be 035. If there is no BSD then an entry of 000 must be entered in the field.

Note:   If stat codes 840, 841, 842, or 843 are used, this new field requires an entry.  

Vehicle Impound / Storage and Storage Authority Vehicle Code:

With the addition of the Vehicle Impound/Storage (VIMP/STO) and Vehicle Code (VC) fields, deputy personnel must log when they impound or store a vehicle by entering “I” for impound, or “S” for storage.  When an “I” or “S” has been entered, the storage authority vehicle code must be entered in the new “VC” field.  If there is no impound or storage, deputy personnel must enter “N” for no in the VIMP/STO field.

 Note:   The new VIMP/STO field may be utilized without entering an individual’s contact information, however, if stat codes 840, 841, 842, or 843 are used, this field requires an entry.

SCENARIO #1:     Clearing Traffic Stop, Detaining three

Details:     Lancaster Station, Julian date from in-service reads: 16038, Tag 291

  • Deputy logs contact information of first two detained individuals, and clears the tag with all applicable clearance/stat codes.

  • Creates an additional observation tag, logs contact information of third detained individual.

  • Clears the additional observation tag with stat code 843, and enters the Reference Number assigned to the original tag into the REFCALL field: LAN16038-0291.

Conclusion:  Complete contact information for all three detained individuals has been documented using two separate clearances and subsequently merged into one Incident History related to the original tag, 291.

SCENARIO #2:          Burglary Alarm Call, Handling Unit detains one, Assigned Assisting                   Unit detains three.

Details:     Lancaster Station, Julian date from in-service reads: 16064, Tag 512

  • Handling unit logs contact information for one detained individual, and clears the tag with all applicable clearance/stat codes.

  • Assigned assisting unit logs contact information for two detained individuals, and clears the tag with 780.

  • Assigned assisting unit creates an additional observation tag, logs the contact information of the third detained individual.

  • Clears the additional observation tag with 843, and enters the Reference Number of the original tag into the REFCALL field:  LAN16064-0512.

Conclusion:  Complete contact information for all four detained individuals has been documented by two separate units using three separate clearances, and subsequently merged into one Incident History related to the original tag, 512.

SCENARIO #3:          Self-initiated Observation Entry, Handling Unit detains two, requests back up for five additional detained individuals.

Details:     Lancaster Station, Julian date from in-service reads: 16055, Tag 457

  • Handling unit logs contact information for two, and clears the tag with all applicable clearance/stat codes.

  • Assisting unit creates an OBS, logs the contact information of the first two additional detained individuals.

  • Clears the OBS with stat code 779 and enters the Reference Number of the handling unit’s original tag into the REFCALL field:  LAN16055-0457.

  • Second assisting unit creates an OBS, logs the contact information of two more of the detained individuals.

  • Clears the OBS with stat code 779 and enters the Reference Number of the handing unit’s original tag into the REFCALL field:  LAN16055-0457.

  • Additional assisting unit creates an additional OBS, logs the contact information of the last detained individual.

  • Clears the additional OBS with stat code 843, and again enters the Reference Number of the handling unit’s original tag into the REFCALL field:  LAN16055-0457.

Conclusion:  Complete contact information for all seven detained individuals has been documented by three separate units using five separate clearances, and subsequently merged into one Incident History related to the original tag, 457.

Additional information regarding clearing a call for service may be found in Newsletter 13-12, New MDC Codes for Logging Field Activity. 

Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services at (323) 890-5411.


Newsletter #13-12, New MDC Codes for Logging Field Activity 

MPP section 5-09/520.00, Constitutional Policing and Stops

MPP section 5-09/520.05, Stops, Seizures, and Searches

MPP section 5-09/520.10, Backseat Detentions

MPP section 5-9/520.20, Logging Public Contacts

MPP section 5-9/520.25, Logging Field Activities

MPP section 5-9/520.30, Statistical Codes for Traffic, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Stops