22-07 - Sex Offender Registration, PC 290




This newsletter is in conjunction with a revision to Field Operations Directive (FOD) 04-008, Sex Offender Registration and Tracking.  Below is a brief introduction to updates and procedures regarding the registration of sex offender registrants by station sex offender registration detectives and designated personnel.


On January 1, 2021, all new and current registered sex offenders were placed into three tiers pursuant to SB384:

  • Tier 1, 10 years;

  • Tier 2, 20 years; and

  • Tier 3, lifetime. 

All registrants will be assigned a tier by the California Department of Justice.  Once a registrant in either Tier 1 or Tier 2 has completed their registration requirements, they can petition to be removed from California Sex and Arson Registry (CSAR).  Removal from CSAR is not automatic.  Registrants must petition the court in the county in which they reside for removal.  The court may deny the registrant's petition and the district attorney can request a hearing to oppose the petition.  If they fail to petition the court, the registrant will remain on the CSAR list.  Stations must accept service of the registrant’s petition with the court for modification.  The detective or designated personnel have 60 days to log onto CSAR to determine if the registrant qualifies for registry modification.

Sexually Violent Predators

When any Sheriff’s Department station receives notice a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) is expected to be placed by the California Department of State Hospitals on a “Conditional Release Program” into any LASD jurisdiction, the station sex offender registration detective or station operations shall immediately notify Special Victims Bureau – Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) Team and Sheriff’s Information Bureau (SIB).

Sex Offender Registry Termination

Registrants who meet the mandated minimum requirements established by SB384 (Tiered Sex Offender Registry) may petition the superior court in the county in which they reside for registry termination.  First, they must obtain a verification of proof of registration from their registering station.  Then, they must bring this verification of registration to the superior court in the county in which they reside.  The superior court will send a notice to CSAR requesting law enforcement and the district attorney to verify whether the person meets the requirements for termination from the registry.  Each station detective/designee responsible for overseeing their station’s registered sex offender population shall log into CSAR at least once per week to check for any petitions filed with the court.

Verification process

LASD jurisdiction registrant:

  • Verify registration is current;

  • Complete SS-8102;

  • Issue proof of registry verification and Tier Notification Letter to registrant (available on CSAR);

  • CSAR sends out verification requests to both registering and convicting agencies via CSAR web site;

  • Station sex offender registration detective/designee checks databases (CCHRS, JDIC, etc.) for disqualifying convictions;

    • Failure to register;

    • New sex offenses requiring registration; and

  • Complete CSAR Petition Checklist on CSAR website within 60 days.

Out of county registrant:

  • No action required per CA DOJ;

  • If the station detective feels the person should not be granted termination;

    • Verify registrant has a conviction within Los Angeles County;

    • Check databases (CCHRS, JDIC, etc.) for disqualifying convictions;

      • Failure to register;

      • New sex offenses requiring registration;

    • Complete check within 60 days of receipt; and

    • Advise requesting/registering county DA of results.

For technical assistance, contact the California Department of Justice CSAR Help Desk at [REDACTED TEXT] or the Special Victims Bureau – SAFE Team at [REDACTED TEXT]

Notification of the completed revision to the FOD will be broadcast via Department- wide announcement and posted on the Policy Archival and Retrieval System (PARS).

If you require further information, contact Field Operations Support Services Unit at [REDACTED TEXT]


Penal Code Section 290

Field Operations Directive (FOD) 04-008, Sex Offender Registration and Tracking