21-03 - SACR MDC/CAD Clearance Codes



The Sheriff’s Automated Contact Reporting (SACR) system application runs independently of the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and does not communicate information to or from the CAD system.  Therefore, additional statistical (STAT) clearance codes had to be created in order to accurately capture specific details, referred to as “stop data,” that must be reported to the California State Attorney General.   

These reporting requirements apply when a person is detained or searched (including a consensual search), property in their possession or control is searched during an observation stop (traffic, pedestrian, bicycle), or a call for service.  Exemptions to these requirements are identified in Field Operations Directive 18-04.

A new 94X (i.e., 940-949) STAT code is required to clear all observations and calls for service from the MDC.  This clearance code must be entered in CAD in addition to the creation of a SACR record entry in the SACR system.  All current STAT code usage requirements shall continue without change (e.g., 840, 841, etc.).

Generally, the handling unit for a call is required to facilitate the documentation of all SACR entries in the SACR system.  The handling unit should utilize the appropriate 94X STAT code as indicated below, to identify the total number of persons required within the SACR entry, per incident.

The MDC clearance code must match the number of persons entered into each SACR entry, as required by law.  The new MDC clearance codes are listed below:

  • 940 – No SACR entry required;

  • 941 – One person SACR entry required;

  • 942 – Two person SACR entry required;

  • 943 – Three person SACR entry required;

  • 944 – Four person SACR entry required;

  • 945 – Five person SACR entry required;

  • 946 – Six person SACR entry required;

  • 947 – Seven person SACR entry required;

  • 948 – Eight person SACR entry required; or

  • 949 – Nine or more person SACR entry required.

Email notifications will be sent out to individual personnel to correct any cleared calls where a 94X STAT code was not used or improperly used.  If you receive one of these notifications, log into CAD and edit the clearance appropriately to include a 94X STAT code.  After 24 hours of non-correction, calls missing the 94X STAT code will be summarized per station/unit, and an executive notification will be sent.


Daily 94X Usage - Station

Daily summary comparison of an individual station's 94X compliance.  The report contains:

  • A list of all calls missing 94X clearances;

  • Total number of cleared calls;

  • Total number of calls with 94X clearances; and

  • Percentage in compliance.

941-949 Exception Report - Station

The attached report is a daily summary of calls that should have been cleared using the 941-949 code.  The calls targeted in this report are calls cleared with 840, 841, 842, and any call involving an arrest.  These interactions would have required a minimum of one (1) SACR report.  The report contains:

  • List of calls missing a 941-949 clearance;

  • Total daily clearances involving an arrest, the usage of 840, 841, or 842    clearance code;

  • Total calls with a 941-949 clearance; and

  • Percentage in compliance.

Daily 94X Usage - Executive

The attached report is a daily summary comparison of all stations' 94X compliance.  The report contains:

  • Total number of cleared calls per station;

  • Total number of calls with 94X clearances; and

  • Percentage in compliance.

941-949 Exception Report - Executive

The attached report is a daily summary of calls that should have been cleared using the 941-949 code.  The calls targeted in this report are calls cleared with 840, 841, 842, and any call involving an arrest.  These interactions would have required a minimum of one (1) SACR report.  The report contains:

  • Total daily clearances involving an arrest, the usage of 840, 841, or 842 clearance code;

  • Total calls with a 941-949 clearance; and

  • Percentage in compliance.

If you have any questions, please call or email Field Operations Support Services Unit at (323) 890-5411 or foss@lasd.org.



California Assembly Bill 953

California Assembly Bill 1518

California Code of Regulations Title 11, Law Division 1, Enforcement; Chapter 19,

Final Text of Regulations, Articles 1 – 5.

12525.5 Government Code

13519.4 Penal Code

SACR Website (Entries, Training, AB 953 Contact Report Form, Resources, and SACR test site)

Newsletter 18-07, Sheriff’s Automated Contact Reporting

FOD 00-004, Deputy’s Daily Worksheet and Logging Public Contacts

FOD 18-004 Sheriff's Automated Contact Reporting (SACR)

Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-01/100.35, Dishonesty/False Information in Department records

Manual of Policy and Procedures section 5-09/520.00, Constitutional Policing and Stops

Manual of Policy and Procedures section 5-09/520.05, Stops, Seizures and Searches

Manual of Policy and Procedures section 5-09/520.20, Logging Public Contacts

Manual of Policy and Procedures section 5-09/520.25 Logging Field Activities

Statistical Code Guide, “STAT Code Book”