19-11 - Disabled Placard Enforcement



The purpose of this newsletter is to provide Department personnel with information regarding laws and procedures related to disabled person’s license plates, placards, and parking spaces.

A disabled person (DP) or disabled veteran (DV) may qualify for a DP/DV license plate or placard through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if they have impaired mobility due to:

  • Having lost use of one or more lower extremities, or both hands;
  • Having a diagnosed disease that substantially impairs or interferes with mobility;  
  • Having been severely disabled and unable to move without the aid of an assistive device; or
  • Having a specific, documented visual problem.

There is registration documentation that accompanies a placard, indicating the name of the DP/DV the placard has been issued to.  The placard, or DP/DV license plates, may not be used by anyone else for parking unless the driver of a vehicle is transporting the listed DP or DV.  Only one placard or DP/DV license plate set may be issued to an individual.  A serial number and expiration date will be located on the placard.  The serial number contains a six digit number and will begin or end with a letter (A-Z). 

The serial number located on the placard can be checked by accessing the vehicle screen by using the VEH function of the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) or Mobile Digital Computer (MDC), to determine who the placard is registered to.

DP or DV license plates can be checked through CAD or MDC by entering the plate information into the vehicle screen including the “DP” or “DV” in the appropriate place it appears on the license plate (i.e. DP12345 or 12345DV).  Lost or stolen DP or DV license plates are reported on a Vehicle Report (CHP-180) and entered into the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS).

A lost or stolen placard is not entered into SVS.  Placards are considered serialized property and shall be entered into the Automated Property System (APS) after documenting the incident on an Incident Report (SH-R-49).

An individual with a valid placard, or DP/DV plates, may park in the following areas:

  • In parking spaces where the international symbol of access (wheelchair symbol) is displayed;
  • Along a blue curb line authorized for persons with disabilities parking;
  • Along a green curb line (green curbs indicate limited time parking) for as long as needed (there is no time limit with a placard or DP/DV license plates);
  • In an on-street metered parking space at no charge; or
  • In an area that indicates it requires a resident or merchant permit.

Persons with a placard or DP/DV license plates are not permitted to park in the following areas:

  • In a labeled red zone or next to a red curb;
  • Along yellow or white curbs (cargo and passenger loading and unloading); or
  • Adjacent to or blocking a mailbox or fire hydrant.

The following California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections can be used to enforce violations regarding placards and DP/DV license plates:

Parking Infractions

22507.8(a) CVC                   Park or leave vehicle standing in any DP parking space.

22507.8(b) CVC                   Obstruct, block, or bar access to a DP parking space.

22507.8(c) (1) CVC              Park or leave standing on the lines marking boundaries of a DP parking space.

22511.56(a) CVC                 Failure to present identification and evidence of issuance of placard to any law enforcement officer.

Misdemeanor Violations

4461(a) CVC                         Lending or allowing improper use of DP/DV license plate or placard related documents.

4461(b) CVC                         Lending or allowing improper use of placard.

4461(c) CVC                         Improper use of placard or display of canceled/revoked placard.

4461(d) CVC                         Improper use of vehicle with DP/DV license plate.

4463(b) (1) CVC                   Forge, counterfeit, damage, or falsify placard with intent to defraud.

4463(b) (2) CVC                   Pass a forged, counterfeit, damaged or false placard with intent to defraud.

4463(b) (3) CVC                   Acquire, possess, sell, forge, counterfeit, damage, or falsify an actual placard with intent to defraud.

4463(c) CVC                         Display forged, counterfeit or damaged placard with intent to defraud.

Felony Violations

4463(a) (1) CVC                   Alter, forge, counterfeit, or falsify a placard or DP/DV license plate.

4463(a) (2) CVC                   Utter, publish, pass, or attempt to pass, altered, forged, or counterfeited materials listed in 4463(a)(1) CVC.

Tow Authority

22652.6(a) CVC                   Authorization for Law Enforcement to remove a vehicle occupying, or blocking a DP parking space.  Includes                                                   parking enforcement officers or other designated civilian enforcement officers. 

22511.8 (c) CVC                  Owners or employees of offstreet parking facilities may remove a vehicle occupying, or blocking a DP parking                                                   space.  

22511.8 CVC                        In order to remove a vehicle using 22652.6(a) CVC or 22511.8(c) CVC, the stall must have a sign posted                                                         adjacent to the stall containing the international symbol of access (wheel chair) and stating “minimum fine                                                         $250.”  In addition, the ground of the parking stall must also have the international symbol of access painted on                                               it.  The parking space outline and cross hatched areas directly adjacent to DP parking spaces shall also be                                                     painted light blue.

NOTE:  If a vehicle is not towable or a deputy is unsure if it is towable, a citation may still be issued without towing the vehicle.

When enforcing a parking violation, use the appropriate citations for the jurisdiction the violation occurred in (city vs. County). 

Per 4460 and 22511.56 CVC, cancelled, expired, forged, fictitious, or improperly used placards, DP/DV license plates, or associated paperwork may be seized and shall be forwarded to the local DMV office by station personnel.

Citizens can report fraudulent use of placards or DP/DV license plates by contacting the DMV Investigations Office at placard.misuse@dmv.ca.gov.  The public will need to be able to provide the location, placard serial number or DV/DP license plate number, location of occurrence, and vehicle description.  Suspect information may also be included. 

If you have any questions regarding the content of this newsletter, please contact Field Operations Support Services, at [REDACTED TEXT]