20-29 - Having Appropriate Equipment When in the Field



The purpose of this newsletter is to remind Department personnel of the importance of having safety gear and equipment readily available when moving about the county in a county vehicle.

Often times, Department members assigned to Detective Bureau, administrative positions, specialized units, etc., leave their facility on duty for a number of reasons.  If summoned by the public regarding a problem or law enforcement related issue, you are required to respond and/or to perform.  This is where the problem lies. 

At times, Department personnel do not carry the appropriate equipment to perform their duties effectively if confronted with a law enforcement related matter.  Many times Department personnel in addition to their firearm, fail to carry their portable radio, handcuffs, extra magazine, OC spray (less lethal option), and/or vest.  Whether the Department member is wearing an authorized uniform or other clothing, they should have identification and appropriate authorized safety equipment items to insure they are prepared to respond for any unforeseen circumstances when in the public.  The lack of carrying these items can comprise the ability to effectively carry out your duties and can become an officer safety issue. 

Remember, once you can be identified as a peace officer all bets are off.  You have an obligation to conduct yourself professionally and protect the public when necessary.  It is not the responsibility of the public to know or understand that you may not have all the equipment necessary to conduct your duties effectively. 

Personnel shall adhere to the following Manual of Policy and Procedures listed below:

If you have any questions, please call or email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]