20-26 - Off-Duty/Backup Weapon Qualification



The purpose of this newsletter is to remind Department personnel to remain proficient and accurate with their off-duty/backup weapon by qualifying during the first quarter of the year.

Department personnel are required to pass the Handgun Qualification Course annually with all optional Department-authorized firearms which they have been certified to carry.  The Handgun Qualification Course shall be passed during the first quarter.  Department personnel who fail to qualify with any optional Department- authorized firearms shall be prohibited from carrying the weapon until they have passed the Handgun Qualification Course.

Off-duty/back up weapon qualifications expire at the end of the first quarter qualification period the year following the most recent first quarter qualification. 

If a Department member has attended and passed an optional handgun course in the past but has not qualified (standard qualification course) with the firearm for a period of time exceeding the above one year plus first quarter period, the Department member is no longer authorized to carry the firearm on or off-duty until they pass a standard (first quarter) qualification course of fire.

The standard course of fire may be administered at any time of the year at a mobile range. 

Remember, qualifying with your off-duty/back up weapon is a perishable skill and can help mitigate risk for both you and the Department.  This practice will help maintain your weapon (cleaning after qualification) and keep it in good working order.  Do not overlook this important requirement that will maintain and enhance your accuracy skills, and prevent a possible malfunction in an emergent situation. 



MPP 3-01/050.65 Basic Shooting Requirements

Weapons Training Unit Weapons -2018


If you have any questions, please call or email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]