20-25 - Ammunition Exchange



The purpose of this newsletter is to remind Department personnel of annual duty ammo  exchange.

Duty ammunition shall be exchanged when participating in the first quarter on-duty qualification.  Annually, between January through March, armed personnel may exchange their previously-issued duty ammunition for an equal amount of new duty ammunition as specified by the Weapons Training Unit.  Ammunition will only be exchanged on a one-for-one basis and shall occur at a mobile range.  This exchange requirement does not apply to Department personnel receiving their initial issue of service ammunition.   

Ammunition exchange will only be conducted for one authorized on-duty handgun.  Additional duty ammunition shall be purchased at the Department member’s expense.  Ammunition for back-up and off-duty handguns will not be exchanged.  Department members will be responsible for replacing this ammunition at their own expense.

It is imperative that all mobile range operators ensure their mobile range is adequately stocked with new duty ammunition to facilitate the quarterly exchange.   Mobile range operators shall exchange ammunition for any department member regardless of the Department member’s unit of assignment.

In the event Department personnel report to a mobile range for quarterly qualification and new duty ammunition for exchange is not available, the exchange can be facilitated at the Biscailuz Center Armory.  In addition, armed personnel who were issued an additional two magazines (maximum of five magazines) may exchange two magazines worth of ammunition at the BC Armory.





If you have any questions, please email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]