20-24 - Taser Procedures and Functionality



This newsletter will provide guidance and serve as a reminder on how to properly check function, spark, battery, and expiration dates on cartridges for proper use of the  electronic immobilization device TASER. 

The TASER is a less lethal hand held electronic immobilization device used for controlling assaultive/high risk persons.  The purpose of this device is to facilitate a safe and effective response in order to minimize injury to suspects and deputies.

At the beginning of each shift, a spark functionality test of the TASER should be conducted.  Personnel assigned to carry a TASER should check the TASER as follows:

  • Remove the cartridge;
  • Visually check the cartridge to make sure it is intact and no wires are hanging out.  On the opposite side of the “blast door” look for the expiration date (five- year shelf life);
  • Set the cartridge face down;
  • Place TASER in your non-gun hand and turn the safety switch to the up/on position;
  • Point the TASER away from your person and at a safe distance from others, pull the trigger to activate the TASER.  Look and listen for a strong, rapid arc. (If the electrodes appear slow, there may be a low battery or malfunction);
  • Check the Central Information Display (CID) for operation;
  • If the CID has a dim or a blank screen, or shows a fault icon, do not use this TASER; and
  • If the CID shows 20% or less or LOBATT, replace the battery and perform a function test again. 

Note: The TASER should be cycled for the full five seconds ONCE per day.  During the other two spark tests, the TASER should be cycled on and off for one to two seconds to preserve the battery.

  • After the spark functionality test is complete, turn the safety switch into the down/safe position, replace the cartridge, and re-holster the TASER.

If any of these areas fail to meet these requirements, the TASER should not be used.  The TASER should be returned to the unit armor for service.

Use of Force

The use of the TASER, either by utilizing the probes or the touch/drive stun mode, shall be reported as a use of force as defined in the Department’s Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3-10/100.00, Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures.

Whenever a use of a TASER requires force reporting, a download of the TASER stored data and video (if the TASER is video enabled) shall be conducted and submitted with the force package.

Facility Responsibility

Although it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure the TASER is in good working order before shift, each facility shall develop an item-specific checklist.  Each checklist should list what is to be inspected, how each particular item is to be inspected, and whether the item is in good working order.  

Each unit commander shall develop and implement procedures that ensure the following equipment is inspected daily by line personnel, and weekly by a lieutenant: 

  • All fire fighting equipment;
  • All emergency equipment; and
  • All weapons.  

The discovery of any inadequacy shall result in the immediate remedy either by repair or replacement. 

 (Front of cartridge: blast doors)         (Back of cartridge: expiration date

                                                                      upper right corner)






MPP 5-06/040.95 – Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures

CDC 3-06/050.00 – Equipment Inspection

If you have any questions, please email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]