14-28 - Sexual Assault (Rape) Definition and Statistical Codes





In January 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revised the definition of rape as it pertains to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.  Law enforcement is required to provide statistical information to the FBI via the UCR program.  The Department uses the three digit statistical code within the Uniform Report Number (URN) to provide this information. 


The new FBI definition of rape is:


“Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim”


This definition is for statistical gathering only.  This definition does NOT affect the California Penal Code sections and/or definitions with respect to rape, sodomy, oral copulation, digital penetration, or any other Penal Code related to sexual assault.  Personnel should continue to use the appropriate Penal Code for the charge on the classification line of the incident report.   


This new FBI definition will include both males and females as victims of rape.  The rape definition will also include rape, sodomy, oral copulation, digital penetration, and any other sexual assault which falls within the definition.  The new statistical codes will be as follows:


Statistical Code



Rape by Force, Female 18 and over


Attempt Rape by Force, Female 18 and over


Rape by Force, Female under 18


Attempt Rape by Force, Female under 18


Rape by Force, Male 18 and over


Attempt Rape by Force, Male 18 and over


Rape by Force, Male under 18


Attempt Rape by Force, Male under 18


Statistical code 127, oral copulation, and 128, sodomy, will no longer be accepted as the statistical code for an URN.  If the Penal Code describes an act that is within the new FBI definition of rape, the above statistical codes shall be used when pulling an URN.


The new statistical codes and the elimination of the existing statistical codes referenced above will be effective January 1, 2015.  The Department’s policy will be updated in the near future to reflect these changes.   


Personnel wanting to run statistical information for individual types of sexual assaults can use LARCIS and the Penal Code sections.  LARCIS has the ability to create groupings of Penal Code Section for running statistical information.  If you need assistance in creating these groupings, please contact the Helpdesk – LARCIS. 


In addition, station/units will see an increase in rape statistics based on this new definition.


Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services.