15-08 - Legal Briefings and Department Policy


                                                                   LEGAL BRIEFINGS AND DEPARTMENT POLICY


There are many websites, journals, articles, briefs, and periodicals that give great information regarding current case law as well as legal updates to law enforcement.  Much of this information is provided by District Attorney Offices, Public Defender Offices, and Law Enforcement agencies throughout the State of California.  These resources provide Sheriff’s Department personnel with accessible information at a moment’s notice.


Although these tools benefit many of us and provide information that is current law, there are times when the information is outside of the parameters established within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Manual of Policy and Procedure.  When interpretation of the law extends beyond the Department’s policy, these conflicts can leave the Department and respective personnel vulnerable to tactical disadvantages, criminal prosecution, and civil litigation.


Personnel are reminded that the Manual of Policy and Procedure is written to achieve consistency in the Department.  Although prosecutors, defense attorneys, and agencies may have a different interpretation of the law, the Manual of Policy and Procedures is in place to adhere to the law, and the contents of the Manual shall form the basis for Department administrative sanctions. 


Bottom line:  Current law and the Manual of Policy and Procedure is the standard on which each detention, investigation, and arrest should be conducted.


Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services.