15-10 - Verification Procedures for Disputed Warrants

Verification Procedures for Disputed Warrants


The purpose of this newsletter is to re-familiarize deputies with the required procedures when an inmate claims that he/she is not the person described in the warrant they have been arrested and held on.  A “Disputed Warrant Verification Form” (attached) shall be completed any time an inmate disputes that he/she is the person identified in the warrant.  All checks to verify the individual’s identity shall be documented on this form.  It shall become a permanent part of the booking jacket.


A comparison of the identifying information of the arrestee and the individual wanted in the warrant may include the following:


  • Name (or combination of names), D.O.B., physical description, tattoos, address, previous addresses
  • Fingerprint comparison using fingerprint-based records such as CII, Main#, FBI#, or AJIS
  • RAPS’ and CCHRS’ for prior arrest information and booking photos


This form shall be submitted to the Watch Sergeant or Watch Commander after it has been completed.  He/she will decide, based on the comparison of identifying information, if the arrested individual shall continue to be held on the warrant. 


If it is determined that the inmate is not the suspect wanted in the warrant, the jailer shall release the inmate from that warrant hold and shall call CWS to have specific additional information (listed in MPP 5-07/110.60) noted in the warrant’s comments field. 


Information regarding the contents of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services



Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) Sections:

5-07/090.00 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests – Warrant not in Immediate Possession of Arresting Officer

5-07/110.60 Procedure when Subject not Person Named in Warrant



Disputed Warrant Verification Form