20-23 - Sergeant Responsibilities When Force is Used




The purpose of this newsletter is to identify the importance of supervisors remaining on scene, specifically when force is used.

Sergeants are the most visible and critical element of sworn supervision within the Department.  Sergeants are first-line supervisors with the primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with the professional and ethical standards of the Department by all subordinate deputy sheriffs and civilian employees.


It is imperative that a sergeant remain on scene when force is used.  Sergeants should directly supervise the use of force by being present when possible to direct and control subordinate activities as appropriate.  Sergeants need to be available to accept notifications about use of force, and to initiate the force review process by notifying the supervising lieutenant and accomplishing appropriate documentation tasks.  Critically evaluating the tactics leading to use of force and maximizing subordinates' ability to learn from experience are expected from the on-scene sergeant.  Sergeants shall maximize subordinates' embracing of the Core Value "reverence for life" by supporting the value in discussions and training about force, both before and after its use.

The on-scene sergeant shall remain on scene until the conclusion of the force incident.  If it is imperative for a sergeant to leave the scene prematurely, it is the responsibility of the on-scene sergeant to have an appropriate replacement (hard sergeant or lieutenant) present before leaving the scene.



MPP 2-02/080.00- Sergeants


If you have any questions, please email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]