15-29 - Holster Safety Awareness



                           HOLSTER SAFETY AWARENESS


Department personnel must be mindful of firearm safety whether the firearm is in or out of the holster.  Regardless of the type of firearm or holster you choose to use, whether on-duty or off-duty, you must be aware of the equipment’s limitations.



Throughout the country, law enforcement officers have been injured when drawing and re-holstering their firearms due to unintentional discharges.  Be aware of clothing that may impede safe access to your firearm, such as keys, radio antennas, loose shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, or jackets, and items that may be attached to outer garments, such as buckles or drawstrings that could potentially interfere with re-holstering your firearm.


Equipment should not be placed on gun belts where it may interfere with drawing or re-holstering a firearm. These items have the additional potential of getting caught inside the holster and engaging the trigger, even when the firearm is holstered.

Department personnel should also remember to keep their gun hand free when carrying equipment.  In order to prevent accessories, such as straps, clips, or buckles from getting caught in the holster or on the firearm, an effort should be made to carry 

backpacks, equipment bags, purses, and other gear bags on your non-gun side.





 You are responsible for exercising reasonable care of firearms at all times, on-duty and off-duty.

 This newsletter was created by the Weapons Training Unit and information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to the Weapons Training Unit at (661) 295-8856.