20-18 - Care and Maintenance of County Equipment (OC Spray)



Department members shall be responsible for the care, maintenance, and serviceable condition of any County property, fixed or movable, issued or assigned to them or otherwise in their care. 


During a use of force situation, a Department member reaches for and attempts to deploy Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray.  The (OC) Spray does not deploy based on the lack of maintenance.

Information and Recommendations

Use of OC allows a subject to be controlled and restrained with minimal physical contact on the part of the user, thereby reducing the risk of injury for both law enforcement and subject.  Because the effects are rapid, it can decrease a Department member’s need to escalate to a higher level of force.

The current Department-issued canister has a five-year shelf life.  Because the active OC agent tends to separate and collect at the top of the canister, it is recommended that the unit be shaken at least every day to ensure proper mixture.  Freeze +P has a two-year shelf life.  More importantly, replace EXPIRED canisters to ensure proper function when needed.

The recommended storage temperature for OC Spray (Sabre Red) is 70°F.  For short periods, canisters can be exposed to -20°F to 120°F.  Depending on the brand of OC, some can be flammable and should be stored at normal room temperature and kept away from high heat or open flames.

If the OC canister has expired and needs to be replaced, it is the responsibility of the individual Department member to inform their unit of assignment to replace the OC canister.  An order can be placed with Central Supply through training and scheduling and/or operations.

If you have any questions, please call or email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]



MPP 3-01/040.15 Care Of County Property and Equipment