16-06 - Emergency Response Driving




Emergency response driving, also known as “Code 3” driving, is an important component of a deputy’s job.  Whether you are responding to a life-threatening emergency or in pursuit of a high-risk suspect, Code 3 driving must be controlled and conducted responsibly.  The safety of your partners and the community are at stake.


A quick and timely response is required whenever a deputy is dispatched to an emergent call.  Code 3 driving should be under a constant state of evaluation and control.  Keep in mind that the purpose of using lights and siren while driving Code 3 is to alert the public of the presence of a patrol car.  It does not give the deputy reason to drive recklessly or relieve the deputy of their responsibility to show due regard for the safety of others and to themselves. 


It’s important to keep in mind that the perception of a patrol vehicle’s display of lights and siren may be different to each driver on the road.  State law requires drivers to yield the right-of-way upon the approach of an emergency vehicle (21806 CVC), and immediately pull to the right of the road (21806 (a)(1) CVC).  Some drivers are slow to react, while others may become scared, confused, and react inappropriately. 


Unless absolutely necessary, deputies should not pass on the right of a moving vehicle.  If a deputy needs to pass on the right, this should only be a last resort due to another driver’s refusal or inability to move out of the way during a Code 3 response.  Because this maneuver can be particularly dangerous, extreme care should be used if this decision is made.


This Newsletter was created with the assistance of the Department’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Center (EVOC).


Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services at (323) 890-5411. 





Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) Sections:


Emergency Driving Policies, MPP 5-09/200.00:



Code 3 Defined, MPP 5-09/200-15:



Initiation of Code 3 Responses, MPP 5-09/200.20:



Use of Code 3 – Authority/Responsibility, MPP 5-09/200.25:



Vehicle Speeds, MPP 5-09/200.30



Code 3 Vehicle Operation & Tactics, MPP 5-09/200.35:



Field Operations Newsletter:


Code 3 Driving:  http://intranet/intranet/sites/Rmb/FOSS/newsletters/2001/01-17%20Code%203%20Driving.pdf