16-09 - DCFS' New Policy Regarding Social Workers Reporting New Allegations of Abuse





The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has revised their policy on social workers reporting secondary SCARs to their Hotline.  A secondary SCAR is a SCAR that was originally created with a certain allegation and the social worker investigates it but during his or her investigation, a second allegation of abuse is discovered that is not on the original SCAR.  This second allegation is the subject of the secondary SCAR.




Social Worker Smith receives a SCAR with an allegation of emotional abuse.  After interviewing the child, Social Worker Smith discovers there is an allegation of sexual abuse.   


Previously, the social worker would call the Hotline and a new SCAR is submitted.  The new procedure is the social worker will call the new allegation into the Hotline, but a new SCAR will NOT be generated.  Instead, the Hotline will update the initial SCAR under the original 19 digit SCAR number and resend it to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction.  The Hotline will identify the updated SCAR by placing a flag (i.e., the word revised, updated, etc.) on the top of the SCAR. 


Personnel receiving these SCARs should read each SCAR carefully to determine if the SCAR is a secondary SCAR with a new allegation and not assume it is a duplicate SCAR with the same SCAR number.  SCARs with new allegations shall be investigated by our Department.


If personnel have questions regarding whether a SCAR is a secondary, duplicate, etc., they may contact a supervisor at the DCFS Hotline at 800-540-4000.


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