20-08 - Foot Pursuits




The purpose of this newsletter is to remind deputy personnel that the safety of Department members, as well as the public, is paramount when deciding whether or not a foot pursuit is initiated or continued.


A foot pursuit is an attempt by a Department member to follow or track, on foot, a fleeing person who is attempting to avoid arrest, detention, or observation.


Foot pursuits are emotionally charged and inherently dangerous events, and can cause us to become captivated by the event and respond instinctively.  It is important to maintain heightened officer safety awareness, sharp perception, common sense, and sound tactics.   

Here are some things to consider before engaging or disengaging a foot pursuit:

  • Do the dangers of the pursuit outweigh the necessity to apprehend the fleeing person?
  • Have you already identified the fleeing person?
  • What is your level of physical conditioning, as well as your partners?
  • Are you familiar with the terrain and obstacles in the area?                                                               
  • When running through traffic, will drivers see you?  Do you see them?
  • Are you able to communicate clearly via your radio while running?
  • After running for an extended period, knowing your limitations, are you prepared to fight with the fleeing person?

Department personnel should read Departmental policies and training materials pertaining to foot pursuits on a recurring basis.

5-09/220.50 FOOT PURSUITS


“It is the Department's position that, barring extenuating circumstances, surveillance and containment are the safest tactics for apprehending fleeing persons.”

“The safety of Department personnel and the public is paramount and shall be the overriding consideration in determining whether or not a foot pursuit will be initiated or continued.  Any doubt by participating deputies or their supervisors regarding the overall safety of any foot pursuit shall be decided in favor of communication, coordination, surveillance, and containment.”

To view the entire policy go to Policy Archival Retrieval System (PARS) for the Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) 5-09/220.50, Foot Pursuits.

If you have any questions, please call or email Field Operations Support Services at [REDACTED TEXT]