16-17 - Radio Communications with Outside Agencies




Under certain circumstances, field personnel may respond to an incident that will require the need for radio communication with an outside agency, i.e., California Highway Patrol (CHP), Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), etc.  Since 2004, the Department has entered into written agreements with all Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies to patch into their frequencies through Sheriff’s Communication Center (SCC) when necessary.


There are two modes of communication:


Patch:                        Our Department has the capability to patch in with any law enforcement agency from Santa Barbara to San Diego.  SCC can patch our frequency into another agency’s frequency so that personnel can communicate car to car.  Once the approval for the patch has been granted by each agency’s watch commander, the technical component of the patching process only takes SCC a minute or two to accomplish.


The CHP will not allow car to car patching.  CHP will allow a patch to their dispatch center, and their dispatch center personnel will relay all information to their field units.


Mutual Aid:               All Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies have Mutual Aid frequencies on their handheld and in-car radios.  To access  Mutual Aid frequencies, simply change the zone channel for all units involved.  Authorization from SCC is needed in order to establish use of a mutual aid channel.



This Newsletter was authored with the assistance of the Department’s Communication Center (SCC).


Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services at (323) 890-5411 or foss@lasd.org.