17-05 - Updated First Aid/CPR Training and Instructor Requirements



Due to changes in Title 22 of the California Code, which mandates law enforcement’s medical scope of practice and training requirements, First Aid/CPR training requirements for law enforcement have been updated. 


The following POST certified courses have been updated: 


  • First Aid/CPR Instructor Training
  • First Aid/CPR Update Recurrent Training


The following POST certified course has been newly implemented:


  • First Aid/CPR Instructor Transition


As of March 31, 2017, the following First Aid/CPR training will be mandated and supersede any existing training for this required subject matter:


First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Course (1820-21796), (New instructors):  All new First Aid/CPR instructors must complete the new POST, 40-hour, First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Course, for instructor certification under the new mandates.  No other course will be accepted by POST for instructor certification.


First Aid/CPR Instructor Transition Course (1820-21799), (Current instructors):  Currently, certified First Aid/CPR instructors must complete the new 8-hour, POST Instructor Transition Course for certification to train deputy personnel under the new training mandates.  No other course will be accepted by POST for this category of instructor certification.   


NOTE:  Personnel who complete the new POST, 40-hour, First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Course need NOT complete the POST, 8-hour, Instructor Transition Course.


First Aid/CPR Update Course (1820-21798), (Recurrent recertification):  This new First Aid/CPR Update Course is an 8-hour course and must be completed once every two years for recertification (formerly once in three years).  No other course will be accepted by POST for recertification of deputy personnel.



NOTE:  All personnel who have received the recertification training under the curriculum prior to the update and before March 31, 2017, will have two years, from the date of completion, to be recertified under the new curriculum.  For example, if a deputy was certified under the “old” courses on January 3, 2017, he/she will have until January 3, 2019 to complete recertification under the new recurrent recertification course.  All deputy personnel shall complete recertification under the new First Aid/CPR Update Course by March 31, 2019. 


The Advanced Officer Training (AOT) Unit will be presenting the new Instructor Transition Course beginning in April, 2017, with the goal of updating all current Department instructors as swiftly as possible. 


For further information, please refer to POST’s First Aid website:



Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to the Advanced Officer Training Unit at (323) 307-8720, or Field Operations Support Services at (323) 890-5411 or foss@lasd.org.