19-15 - Wanted Persons HIT Confirmation Procedures



The purpose of this newsletter is to standardize the positive match confirmation procedures on wanted persons, commonly known as a “HIT.”

In 2018, Records and Identification Bureau (RIB) was informed by the California Department of Justice-Audit Team that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department was “out of compliance” with the California Justice Information System (CJIS) and National Crime Information Center (NCIC) requirements pertaining to the HIT confirmation procedures for the Wanted Person System (WPS).  To comply with the Department of Justice’s CJIS Procedural Manual, all adult criminal warrants issued by the Los Angeles superior courts are routed to the appropriate Sheriff’s station for warrant HIT confirmations.

In summary, the CJIS policy states, when an inquiry into the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS), Wanted Persons System (WPS), Automated Firearms System (AFS), or Domestic Violence Restraining Order System (DVROS) results in a HIT, the inquirer must immediately telephone or teletype the record owner for confirmation of the HIT before an arrest or seizure is made.  Without a timely confirmation response, the suspect may be inadvertently released.  The record owner is the station where the warrant was originally entered.  It is the record owner’s duty to promptly provide the HIT confirmation in response to a HIT notification.  A prompt response is approximately ten minutes from the time the HIT inquiry was received.  A Watch Commander’s approval is not necessary to confirm the HIT.

To determine if a HIT should be confirmed, Department personnel should enter the want number (i.e. WANT#######) in the appropriate field on the JDIC WANT screen.  Major Crimes Bureau will extradite all felony warrants, except:

  • When the miscellaneous field of the NCIC HIT contains the phrase “NOEX, NOEX outside of CA, NOEX arrest only in CA”;
  • The Investigative Information (II) shows the extradition is currently or has been previously denied;
  • Any California Proposition 47 violation, such as Penal Code sections 459.5, 473(B), 476a, 490.2, 496(a), 666; and Health & Safety Code sections 11357(a), 11350 (all subsections), 11377(a); or
  • Any misdemeanor.

All HIT confirmations/denials should be forwarded to the Major Crimes Bureau (MCB) extradition unit.

The following documents should be included in the MCB confirmation/denial package:

  • HIT confirmation request;
  • Warrant Info Sheet (WIS);
  • Investigative Index information (showing approved or denied); and
  • HIT confirmation response.

NOTE:     Incident reports and supplemental reports do not need to be included in this package.

The JDIC HIT confirmation response transmitted to the agency detaining the suspect, should read:

“LASD HOLDS $ (Bail dollar amount) BAIL FELONY WAR (Warrant #) ISS:

(Warrant issue date); CHG: (charge/crime).  MAJOR CRIMES BUREAU-FUGITIVE DETAIL CAN BE REACHED AT 562-946-7072, DIRECT ORI CA0190034, FROM M-F, 0600-1630 HRS.  WE (WILL OR WILL NOT) EXTRADITE.”

The HIT confirmation package can be forwarded to the MCB extradition unit in the following ways:

            email:                        [REDACTED TEXT]

            FAX:                        [REDACTED TEXT]

            TTY:                          [REDACTED TEXT]

            Direct ORI:                 [REDACTED TEXT]


Countywide Warrant System (CWS) staff are available as a resource for questions 24 hours a day, but cannot confirm warrants or provide abstracts.  CWS staff may be reached at [REDACTED TEXT]

Additional information on the HIT confirmation process may be directed to Major Crimes Fugitive Detail, Monday through Friday, from 0600-1630 hours, at [REDACTED TEXT]    

Information regarding the content of this newsletter may be directed to Field Operations Support Services, at [REDACTED TEXT]