19-16 - Safety in Deploying the Tire Deflation Device



The purpose of this newsletter is to provide guidance to Department personnel regarding safety in deploying a tire deflation device.  Vehicle pursuits are inherently dangerous.  Any deputy deploying a tire deflation device will likely be in the path of a fleeing suspect vehicle and should do so with extreme caution in order to avoid the possibility of injury.  The main safety focus is exposure of the deputy while deploying a tire deflation device.  The manufacturer of the “Stop Stick” device recommends the deploying deputy stay behind a building or fixture that provides both cover and concealment from the vehicle being pursued.  Do not use just your patrol vehicle as cover.

Consider the following points prior to deploying a tire deflation device:

  • Ensure and/or anticipate the vehicle pursuit is coming in your direction;
  • Select a location that provides a place to position yourself behind a building, fixed object, or adequate cover/concealment;
  • Have the tire deflation device (Stop Stick) prepared and ready to go;
  • Have an escape path in case the pursued vehicle collides in your immediate area; and
  • Monitor radio communications and maintain visual awareness for the approaching vehicles in the pursuit.

If possible, park your patrol vehicle out of sight to reduce the possibility of the suspect noticing the Stop Stick and swerving their vehicle to avoid it.  For information on how to deploy the Department approved Stop Stick device, please refer to Field Operations Directive 98-010, Tire Deflation Device.

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this newsletter, please contact Field Operations Support Services, at [REDACTED TEXT]



LASD Field Operations Directive – 98-010, Tire Deflation Device

Stop Tech Company website – Training Materials and a video on the Stop Stick device.