00-007 Scheduling and Overtime Procedures


Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department


Cerritos Station


STATION ORDER NUMBER:  00-007                                             

Subject:  Scheduling and Overtime Procedures

Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:




The purpose of this order is to establish policies and procedures concerning the scheduling of sworn and civilian personnel assigned to Cerritos Station, the issuance of overtime, and the notifications concerning time off requests.


All overtime shall be pre-approved by the Watch Commander or the Scheduling Staff.


The Watch Commander shall review for accuracy and sign “shift holdover” and “patrol” overtime slips in order to facilitate the timekeeping process.  Approval of all “court” and “special event” overtime will be the responsibility of the Scheduling Staff.  The Scheduling Staff shall also be responsible for managing overtime and ensuring that overtime regulations are adhered to.

The monthly schedule for all personnel shall be prepared by the Scheduling Staff.  The Scheduling Staff will be assisted by the Special Assignment Sergeant, who will coordinate the schedule for the Special Assignment Deputies, the Detective Sergeant, who will coordinate the schedule for the detectives, and the Station Supervising Clerk, who will coordinate the schedule for the secretarial staff.  Requests for time off and vacations shall be processed through the Scheduling Staff.

Special Assignment Deputies shall adequately document their hours to account for their time.  The Special Assignment Sergeant shall ensure that the properly completed time records are delivered to the Cerritos Station timekeeper. 

The Scheduling Staff may assemble and post pre-scheduled overtime sign-up lists based on anticipated vacancies and special event contracts.  When new lists are posted, the Scheduling Deputy or Watch Deputy shall notify field personnel via the Mobile Digital Computer and station personnel via the station paging system, that a new overtime list has been posted.

The following procedures shall be strictly adhered to regarding the assignment of overtime:

  • The Scheduling Staff shall post the overtime on a rotating shift basis to allow for equitable division of overtime.
  • That shift shall have 72 hours to sign-up for overtime.  During this time, sign-ups from all other shifts shall be prohibited.
  • Once the initial 72 hours has expired, all other station personnel may sign-up for overtime and the original shift shall be prohibited, unless an employee from the original shift was on vacation or RDO’s.
  • Upon the completion of the two (2) 72 hour time periods, the overtime shall be open to all personnel on a first come basis.
  • All personnel shall be restricted to two (2) overtime spots per 72 hours, including the open sign up period.
  • Only one (1) of the two overtime spots may be selected from the “Towne Center/Target Center/Los Cerritos Mall” list per 72 hour period.
  • Call-in sign-ups are acceptable.

Vacancies shall be filled from the sign-up rosters.  The Watch Deputy will be responsible for attempting to fill those overtime positions that are not filled via the sign-up rosters.  Deputies and civilian personnel are responsible for fulfilling their obligation to work the spot they have signed-up for.  If the deputy or civilian employee wishes to trade or give his/her overtime spot to another individual, that deputy or civilian employee shall first obtain permission from the Watch Commander or Scheduling Staff, who will make the change on the sign-up roster/Scheduling Management System.

Last minute vacancies shall be filled by the Watch Deputy.  A Mobile Digital Computer message will be initiated offering the overtime to field personnel.  Phone calls to assigned personnel not currently on duty, will be made if the spot cannot be filled.  Any assigned deputy or civilian desiring to be notified in the event of a vacancy shall place their name in a date book maintained by the Watch Deputy or stand-by list on the Scheduling Management System.  Name and shift desired shall be placed on the calendar date the employee is available for overtime.  

Every effort shall be made to fill the vacancies with Cerritos Station personnel, utilizing this book, prior to offering the positions to employees from outside units.

All employees from outside units who wish to work overtime at Cerritos Station must first submit a letter of recommendation/approval from their Unit Commander.  Once approved by the Cerritos Station Unit Commander, the outside employee may place their name in the RED “Stand-By” book maintained at the Watch Deputy’s desk or by utilizing the Scheduling Management System.  If an overtime spot cannot be filled by station personnel 72 hours prior to the overtime that spot may be offered to the outside personnel, who have signed the “Stand-By” book.

The Field Sergeant, Special Assignment Sergeant, and Team Leaders shall be responsible for overseeing the overtime deputies deployed at the Los Cerritos Center Mall, Towne Center, Target Center, and all additional private entity overtime positions.  It shall be their responsibility to ensure that overtime deputies arrive on time and are prepared for their tour of duty.  In addition, these supervisors shall ensure that all overtime deputies are properly positioned at their assigned posts.  The on-duty Watch Commander shall have the ultimate responsibility and authority over all overtime positions on his/her shift.

The daily in-services shall be prepared in advance by the Scheduling Staff and shall be placed in a folder at the Watch Deputy’s desk.  These documents shall only serve as guides since manpower resources frequently change.  Watch Deputies shall be responsible for checking the Scheduling Management System database and making any corrections prior to publishing the in-service for the next shift. 

If the Watch Deputy finds that the number of personnel listed on the in-service does not meet minimum staffing requirements, he shall immediately bring that fact to the attention of the Watch Commander.  The Watch Commander shall make the appropriate arrangements to meet minimum staffing after considering all available information.  This may include reassignment of other personnel, hiring overtime, and/or “Drafting” personnel from the previous shift.

A “Time Copy” of the in-service shall denote actual deployment for each shift, and will be the responsibility of the Watch Deputy and the Watch Commander.  It shall be stamped with a red stamp indicating that it is the “TIME COPY” and will be placed in the time keeper’s mail slot.  Copies shall be distributed as follows:

          One copy shall be placed in the operations mail slot

          One copy shall be placed on a clipboard located in the Watch Commander’s office

          One copy shall be placed on a clipboard located in the Watch Sergeant’s office

          One copy shall be placed in each of the locker rooms

          One copy shall be placed in the briefing book with enough copies for each deputy on duty to have one 

          One copy shall be placed in an envelope attached with the vehicle inspection slips for each shift