00-005 Reports


Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department


Cerritos Station


STATION ORDER NUMBER:  00-005                                             

Subject:  Reports

Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:




The purpose of this order shall establish policies and procedures for approving reports completed by personnel assigned to Cerritos Station, and to provide guidelines for the processing and storage of reports.


The approval of reports by a supervisor shall be accomplished at the station by the Watch Sergeant, by the field Sergeant or Special Assignment Sergeant.


All department guidelines for the proper filing, distribution and storage of approved reports shall be followed. Original Sheriff’s Department reports shall be forwarded to Records Bureau. Copies of the original Sheriff’s Department reports, documents or forms which bear an URN or citation number shall be scanned into SECDA (Sheriff Electronic Criminal Document Archives) at Cerritos Station. The Cerritos Station secretaries will process the reports, make the appropriate number of copies and or booking packages and enter the necessary information into the various Sheriff’s Department data bases. Word processed and typewritten reports bearing the original signature of the writer shall constitute an original report.

Personnel shall expeditiously cause all reports to be submitted for approval, filing and processing unless prior approval has been granted by a supervisor to defer the report. Current orders (Station order 00-025) that apply to the deferral of reports shall apply.

A deferred report log will be maintained in the Watch Sergeant’s office.

When completed, original copies of arrest reports and reports that are part of a criminal case filing package will be forwarded to the appropriate unit assigned to the case. Case filing time constraints are specific. Personnel shall provide patrol secretaries with a reasonable amount of time to process and assemble case filing packages by completing their reports in a timely manner. Supervisors shall also be held accountable to expeditiously review and approve reports to make them available to secretaries for processing.

The shift sergeant shall be assigned the duty to coordinate and supervise the provisions of this order to ensure that there is a smooth and efficient flow of documents. The Supervising Secretary shall ensure that an adequate supply of the current report forms are maintained at the Station.

All sergeants shall ensure that personnel under their supervision submit reports

in a timely manner for approval, processing and conformity to the provisions of this
