20-19 Global Emails




Unit Order:



Effective Date:




Global Emails



MPP 3-01/000.10,  3-07/210.00 through 3-07/220.00



Electronic Mail or "Email" is a powerful communication and information dissemination tool for the Sheriff's Department. In addition to routine internal communication between individuals and groups, it is possible to send emails to all Departmental personnel. This capability is referred to as "Global" email in reference to the "Global Address Book" which lists all Department members with an active email account. However, this capability can generate a large amount of "network traffic" and may affect the speed and accessibility of other network functions. To protect the Sheriff's Data Network (SDN) functionality, internal system restrictions have been enacted that prevent end-users from sending Global Emails on their own.


Sheriff’s Information Bureau Operations and Supervisors.



Absent an emergency, Global Emails shall only be sent with the approval of one of the following personnel:


  • SIB Unit Commander
  • SIB Operations Lieutenant
  • SIB Operations Sergeant


Global Emails shall be issued only by Data Systems Bureau's SDN Central Help Desk or other duly authorized SDN administrator or manager and on-duty supervisory personnel assigned to Sheriff's Information Bureau. No other email group or individual outside of DSB is allowed to send Global Emails. Global Emails will be issued as one of four categories or covers:


  • Help Desk Bulletin - Computer or SDN related information or instructions usually of a technical nature that is important to and provided for all Department personnel who use the SDN.
  • Help Desk Advisory - A Critically important notification of an impending action on the SDN that will result in temporary, or adverse conditions, for all or some end-users. 
  • Sheriff's Bulletin - The notification of a new Sheriff's Bulletin provided for all Department personnel who use the SDN.
  • LASD Announcement - Notification of non-technical events, activities, and information that are one-time-only, infrequent, or occasional, and are of important general interest to all Department Personnel.


SIB is responsible for ensuring that only those Global Emails meeting the following policy criteria are issued.


Global Email requests shall be authorized by or sponsored/co-sponsored by an LASD bureau/station or facility, or a Sheriff's Executive Authority (Sheriff's Office, Assistant Sheriff's/Undersheriff's Office, EPC, Division Chief or SIB). 


SIB Operations will receive all requests for Global Emails. The SIB Operations will determine if a request meets all policy requirements, has been duly authorized, and is appropriate for all personnel. In the event SIB Operations is unable to determine the appropriateness of a Global Email request, the SIB Captain, or SIB Operations, has the final decision as to it being issued. Approved Global Emails will generally be issued once only.  


The SIB Captain must approve requests for a second or subsequent broadcast of a Global Email.


Global Emails for events, activities, or information must meet all the following criteria:


  • Is LASD related, sanctioned or sponsored and of important general interest to all LASD personnel;
  • Enhances, improves or benefits the Sheriff's Department, a significant number of LASD personnel, the LASD community, an LASD unit, or an LASD affiliated non-profit organization, (Sheriff's Relief Association, Los Angeles Sheriff's Athletic Association, etc.); 
  • Located on or near an LASD facility, station or property, especially if the event or activity requires or involves a physical location; 
  • Applies to, or is open to, a significant number of LASD personnel from numerous divisions;
  • Requested by a Commander or higher authority; 
  • Total email size plus any attachment is 1 MegaByte or lower, (Global Email authors can use the "Size" column on their Outlook mailbox to determine this: for instructions on how to add this column contact SDN Help Desk);
  • The Global Email request is received by SIB Operations at least five standard business days in advance of an event, activity date or deadline date;
  • Has a contact name and telephone number for questions, comments or replies;
  • Created, designed, and formatted by requesting unit, or requesting unit's email author and includes the author's name/contact for questions regarding format, design.
  • Emails, graphics, and imagery contained within are in compliance with the Departments logo and identity manual.  Global Emails can utilize different Outlook email fonts, font colors, etc., as the "overhead" of these do not add significantly to the total email size.


Global Emails are not replacements for JDIC Announcements. SIB Operations will not accept any of the following as a Global Email:


  • Retirement notices, 
  • Station/bureau/facility fundraisers,
  • Personal announcements or events (baby showers, birthdays, etc.),
  • Private, or non-Line of Duty Death bereavement or funeral notices,
  • Sporting Events, 
  • Graduation ceremonies, 
  • Job or position openings, or offerings;
  • JDIC Announcements that have already been distributed in some similar manner; 
  • Other events that are frequent or regularly occurring or commonly found in JDIC Announcements.